Howard Stark Vibranium Captain America

How did Howard Stark get Vibranium for Captain America’s SHIELD?

Howard Stark using Vibranium for Captain America’s SHIELD raises many questions like how did Howard Stark get Vibranium? From where did he get it? Who gave Vibranium to Howard Stark and many others? You will get answers to many of your questions and some untouched concepts. Keep reading!

Who propagated the theory of an isolationist nation for Wakanda?

Wakanda is an isolationist nation. Wakandans purposely stay disconnected from the outside world as they do not want the world to know about their superpower-Vibranium. As it has helped Wakanda to become the superpower that it is. The present King, T’Challa‘s father disguised Wakanda as a poor nation. He was scared that the other nations would attempt to take over Wakanda and manipulate and destroy the resources available for their greed. So, he came up with the idea of Wakanda being an Isolationist nation but it has made it even more attractive.

how did howard stark get vibranium

But the question is if Wakanda didn’t allow and didn’t want to have outsiders come into their nation. They don’t want to have contacts with other nations. How did Tony Stark‘s dad, Howard Stark get Vibranium for Captain America’s SHIELD?

Who stole the Vibranium from Wakanda? Has any outsider ever entered Wakanda?

Since Wakanda follow the philosophy of being an Isolationist nation it would never give Howard the Vibranium. So, does that mean Howard Stark stole it from Wakanda? But it has never happened that any outsider entered the nation except Ulysses Klaue (underground black-market arms dealer). He was the only person who entered Wakanda and came out alive but with the help of N’Jobu (T’Chaka’s younger brother). So, does that mean Ulysses Kalue bought Vibranium from Wakanda and gave it to Howard Stark? Or did he give it to someone else and then that person gave it to Howard Stark? But again, it has never happened that Wakandans shared their Vibranium willingly with anybody at least till now. Maybe Ulysses Klaue stole the Vibranium and was successful in doing so.

Is Wakanda the only nation to have Vibranium?

howard stark get vibranium

Millions of years ago, a meteor carrying Vibranium crashed into a piece of land in Africa. This area of land later was named Wakanda. Looking at it from a science perspective, when a meteor comes in contact with the atmosphere it breaks down. So, the meteor that crashed into the land of Wakanda might have deposited its debris in some other parts of Africa. Here the possibility occurs that maybe Howard Stark got the Vibranium from this unknown piece of land.

Where did they get the Vibranium to make Captain Americas shield?

Because in a comic called “First Vengeance”, Howard Stark demonstrated the SHIELD in Los Angeles for the military generals. Howard told the audience, “Tonight’s performance is provided by Vibranium, a metal my Star Industries researchers discovered in deepest Africa!”.
So, by saying he got the metal from “the deepest of Africa”, Did he mean Wakanda or some other land where the debris got deposited?

Now let us say, Howard, got this metal from some other piece of land situated near Wakanda. But how did he got to know that the metal he used to make Captain America’s SHIELD was Vibranium? How the hell did he name it Vibranium? This doesn’t make sense at all!

There is no other possible explanation as to where did Howard Stark collect the Vibranium for his Captain America’s SHIELD. Maybe we will get our answers in the near future if only MCU wanted us to.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.