Batman Three Jokers fresh preview pages hits off by DC 1 Comics

DC’s Three Jokers by Geoff Johns

The first installment of Batman Three Jokers after four years of an announcement by DC.

Batman Three Jokers, DC Universe’ perennial architect Geoff Johns has created this miniseries. Several writers have tried their best to mark their name on Joker but only Johns could do it to the most infamous comic villain ever. But the main and only question that comes out is Three Jokers?

Batman Three Jokers fresh preview pages hits off by DC Cover Comics

Johns and Jason Fabok worked together on Three Jokers. Both have earlier worked together on Justice League. John entered the industry through Hollywood. At the beginning of his career, he worked as an assistant to Richard Donner (Director of the movie, Superman).

The most successful project of his at DC Comics was “classical” in nature. He re-vitalized an old character by making some advancements. His career is defined from the movies Green Lantern and The Flash. His favorite characters are from those years of comics that existed before his birth. Like Shazam Family, Green Lantern, The Justice Society, or Hal Jordan.

DC's Three Jokers by Geoff Johns Comics

Johns has focused on the emotional points in the Three Jokers rather than the plot ones. The story that exists behind wound healing and scar healing about Jason Todd/Red Hood, Batman, Batgirl/ Barbara Gordon. How they repaired themselves completely after being repeatedly and badly wounded be it physically or mentally that too at hands of Joker.

There is a hook in the story. Red Hood, Batgirl, and Batman teamed up to examine the crime scene. It first appeared to be made up of three people. Thye was posing as the Joker, or it may be possible that it the Joker himself and two fakes.

The origin story of Three Jokers by Johns was already released at the teaser

It has been a long time like 4 years that we came to know about Three Jokers. The concrete story of the origin of the Joker was already revealed on the release of its teaser. Still, it took them so many years to just let this thing out. It could have happened because Johns was busy with some other things on the set. He then decided on doing Watchmen crossover.

DC’s mature readers the line was launched two years back. It had Joker as the lead, plot element, prime opponent, or co-lead. Within DC canon, laughing Batman has now become a huge cosmic force in the DCEU. Joaquin Phoenix acted in Joker which made a huge sum of money at the box office.

People love to know and read stories about Joker. They want to consume whatever content is available on the Joker.

Three Jokers is something that anyone will read. It needs to have different relationships and traumas that Batgirl, Jason Todd, and Batman had with the Joker. Fabok and Johns have done it and it includes Waynes’ death. This very flashback then ends with dull proximity of text and image-“This wound is deeper than the others”.

The issue didn’t click at first. But when Fabok and Johns started building the real and exact narrative of Three Jokers it came out to be true. The concept and it being totally under wraps is really exciting and rewarding.

DC's Three Jokers by Geoff Johns 1 Comics

For Red Hood, Batman, and Batgirl, the tree crimes are a total mystery. while it is rather metaphysical for the audience. It was expected by us to look at Joker as somebody who knew that he existed across eras.

Fabok and Johns have dived deep into the past of comic fro Three Jokers

While showcasing Joker’s history in one story, Fabok and John did a great job. They have dived deep into the artistic and conceptual modes from the past 80 years of comics.

DC's Three Jokers by Geoff Johns 2 Comics

Also, Fabok’s original style is somewhat like Brian Bolland’s. The entry page is a parody of Brian Bolland and Alan Moore’s The Killing Joke. Arkham Asylum’s glowing windows on a night. Either it is this thing or that one cannot write the Joker’s story without the reference of The Killing Joke. 

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.