Why is Killmonger against the idea of Wakanda being an Isolationist nation 1 Entertainment

Why is Killmonger against the idea of “Wakanda” being an Isolationist nation?

Killmonger (T’Challa’s cousin) aka N’Jadaka defeated T’Challa successfully as he throws him off a cliff.

Although Killmonger belongs to the same royal family as T’Challa but didn’t have the same journey as him. 

Was Killmonger as lucky as T’Challa?

Killmonger was raised without a father and therefore strayed everywhere for years. He killed hundreds, honed skills, and rose high in status in the American Military. Though he got a chance to rise above and was also posted on high rank into a black-ops squad. However, Killmonger had witnessed incidents of racism and oppression against Africans during his military career. His experiencing such things first hand was what forced him to go back to his nation, Wakanda to change things for the better.

Why did Killmonger want to distribute Vibranium?

Why is Killmonger against the idea of Wakanda being an Isolationist nation Entertainment

Killmonger wanted Vibranium to be accessible to the rest of the world where Africans lived to begin a revolution. He wanted to distribute not just Vibranium but the world-class technology of Wakanda to liberate people from the racism they faced daily. He wanted to form a powerful African structure in the world.

But Wakandans followed the philosophy of being an isolationist country. They neither shared their superpower Vibranium nor the super-technology with even their neighboring countries consisting of their own people. Killmonger was against this philosophy of being an isolationist nation. He wanted to help his people living in neighboring countries to fight against oppression and racism.

Why Wakandans don’t want to share Vibranium?

Is Wakanda the only nation to have Vibranium Marvel Entertainment

Maybe Wakandans feared the fact that if they will make Vibranium accessible to everyone that might cause global chaos. Everyone will get to know the superpower of Wakanda. This can be a huge problem for the people of Wakanda as they will then have to fight with many nations. This can be the major reason Wakandans don’t want to share their resources especially their superpower Vibranium to be out in the world.

Who is correct-Wakandans’ ideology of an Isolationist nation or Killmonger’s idea of helping his people by giving them Vibranium?

So, the ideologies of both parties seem partly correct. The people of Wakanda have their own reasons to not share the Vibranium whereas Killmonger is also somewhere correct as he wants to help his people to live a life of dignity.

But if Wakandans will not share their resources with the world they will never be able to develop as a nation. Because no nation can become the world power without trade. The idea of a self-sufficient nation is also correct up to an extent. Whereas the idea of Killmonger of helping his people only also seems not very accurate. He can help his people more but also making it accessible to the other nations also. This way making it a suitable ground to play on for everyone.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.