Black Widow Red In Her Ledger Entertainment

Is Black Widow the Batman in Marvel Universe?

In the first issue of the Black Widow series, Natasha Romanoff does not waste any time to show why she rubs shoulders with superhumans that are certified.

She pulls off an intense black ops mission for Captain America. Also, she managed to pull off something more reserved for Batman only. 

In the first issue of Black Widow, Natasha arrives in the building that is full of armed operatives alone. However, she always has Hawkeye as the backup to give her covering fire. The lights are cut, thanks to the well placed arrow. Natasha managed to make the work of her opponents in succession. Once all of the criminals have been injured and Hawkeye gusts open the next door for her with a volatile arrow, Natasha Romanoff breaks a safe and alleges her prize: a useful hard drive needed by Captain America.

Of course, Natasha’s gifted fighting skills are stuff to behold, taking down criminals across a single page, but she necessarily conserves the best move for last while talking to Captain America on the next ceiling over. In a sole moment, Cap looks down to examine the drive while inquiring Natasha if she wants a ride home… This is also when Natasha indicates why she’s one of the intimate superheroes Marvel has to Batman.

Is Natasha Better Than Batman?

Is Black Widow the Batman in Marvel Universe Comics

Batman is famous for using the move, pulling every chance he gets on Commissioner Gordon. Though, it is difficult to deny that Natasha Romanoff could be better at this. 

Also at the end of this first issue, she returns to the residence to find her flat broken into. When she attempts to penetrate from her window, she is shot with tranquilizer darts and brought near to her death. However, she has evolved as a new person after 3 months, laboring as an architect and residing with an unknown man in San Francisco.

In the coming issues, Hawkeye and Bucky, the Winter Soldier, and other close allies of Natasha would be investigating the new normal of Black Widow. Fans will be able to see Black Widow back in action, hopefully. 

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