Wonder Woman 1984 Golden Wing

Wonder Woman 1984 Japanese Trailer Shows Different Costume Of Diana Than The Regular

Diana Prince’s fans will now see her golden armor in full glory in the recently released Wonder Woman 1984 Japanese trailer. The film is a sequel to the film Wonder Woman (2017). Gal Gadot will feature in the titular role. Steve Trevor was seen in the trailer returning from the dead. 

Credit: Vanzekin

DC fans are waiting for Wonder Woman 1984’s premiere. However, it has been delayed due to the ongoing pandemic. The premier date was earlier scheduled in June. It was then delayed to August and later to October due to the ongoing pandemic. Last week DC executives revealed that Wonder Woman 1984 will be postponed to some later date until Christmas. But no worries, Wonder Woman 1984 Japanese trailer is released.

Wonder Woman 1984 Japanese trailer shows Diana facing Cheetah

In Spite of this disheartening news, the latest uploaded Wonder Woman 1984 Japanese trailer features Amazon Princess in her golden armor. The trailer shows Diana controlling the flying and lightning through the air before she lands on the ground. While the landing only her face is revealed. While the remaining trailer shows the scenario familiar to U.S. viewers. Which includes Diana and Cheetah face to face and a framed photograph of Steve Trevor. 

Wonder Woman 1984 Japanese trailer indicates that  Golden Armor is different. Diana was seen wearing her golden armor during the first few seconds of Wonder Woman 1984 Japanese trailer.

Wonder Woman 1984 Cheeta Fight

However, the suit made its second appearance in the video as well. The golden armor in Wonder Woman 1984 Japanese trailer was seen again around the trailer’s end with its full wings visible. The golden armor shown in the trailer is quite different from the regular costume that Diana wears. This Golden Armor is actually the Golden Eagle Armor that initially appeared in miniseries of 1990 Elseworlds: Kingdom Come. Diana usually uses the Golden Eagle Armor for the most dangerous rivals including Devastation and Imperiex. 

Wonder Woman 1984 Japanese trailer reveals that Diana is ready for an adventurous ride in Wonder Woman 1984. But it is kinda frustrating for the fans as they will have to wait till December to understand the puzzle of the trailer. According to the cast and crew of the film, it is believed that the film is worth the wait.

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