Fantastic Beasts Has Begun Filming, Revealed By The Actor Of The Franchise Entertainment

Fantastic Beasts Has Begun Filming, Revealed By The Actor Of The Franchise

Fantastic Beasts has begun filming the 3rd installment. According to the lead actor Eddie Redmayne, the Harry Potter spin-off film franchise Franchise Beasts has started the filming of the 3rd installment. 

The Oscar winner has said that the cast along with the crew came to London together and started the shooting of several scenes. And Fantastic Beasts has begun filming.

It is, no doubt, welcomed news for the fans of the Hogwarts universe. The project seems to be one of the first that will get back to its schedule after the delay due to the pandemic. But now Fantastic Beasts has begun filming.

Fantastic Beasts Has Begun Filming, Revealed By The Actor Of The Franchise 2 Entertainment

While speaking to Cinema Blend, the actor said, “It’s interesting because we’ve started shooting now. We’re two weeks in, and again, it’s a whole new process.”

“It’s a whole new normal. Testing frequently, masks. And I wondered, actually, whether the masks would affect creativity, in some ways. Maybe that was a bit ignorant, but I just thought, as humans do we need interaction to spark from each other.”

“What is really reassuring is that it is a different process, but it still feels like it’s fizzing and that everyone is working at the top of their game.” And made it clear that Fantastic Beasts has begun filming.

It’s interesting to know they’re taking security precautions seriously, particularly what happened on the set of The Batman. The film had to be put on hold after the actor tested positive for the coronavirus.

Fantastic Beasts has begun filming the 3rd installment, but details are shared

Fantastic Beasts Has Begun Filming, Revealed By The Actor Of The Franchise 1 Entertainment

However, very little is known about the movie’s third installment. It will be interesting to see where the plot leads. What is known is that the Fantastic Beasts has begun filming

Fantastic Beasts has begun filming, the author of the Harry Potter franchise, J.K. Rowling said that the movie will ‘give answers to the questions left unsolved in the first two films’.

The only thing that is revealed is that it will be set in Brazil. But because of coronavirus, it is again unclear whether filming will be done in Rio de Janeiro or not.

Though the second installment, Crimes of Grindelwald was not a big success. It only brought $650 million and the budget of the film was $200 million.

The third film will not be released until November of next year. As the Fantastic Beasts has begun filming.

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