
In Catwoman #25 Selina makes a big move to secure her future in Alleytown

To secure her future in Alleytown Selina makes a big move in Catwoman #25. Is she being altruistic or is there some other thing?

In Catwoman #25 Selina makes a big move her future. In “Return to Alleytown” Story, Catwoman makes a visit to the town she calls home and after a run-in, with some kids, she realises that she can help them while she helps herself. What Catwoman winds up doing sets herself up to be a future Queen of Crime in Alleytown. She might not exactly be a philanthropist, but she’s also not a narcissistic sociopath.


Since 1940, Catwoman has been robbing around the streets of Batman’s city in Batman #1. Created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, Selina Kyle was created to be a supervillain that can take Batman and his city down, but she Changed her persona after involving in some love interests with Bruce Wayne. Selina was a troubling kind, she never got the love she deserved, her parents left in an orphanage. This time she winds up in Alleytown where Mama Fortuna, an elderly leader of a gang of young thieves, took her in. Fortuna chiseled Selina into a spooky and skilled thief. Fortuna didn’t do it for her she did it for herself. Fortuna had a big mark on Selina’s life but later she left her for what she did to her. And thus, Selina makes a big move.

Selina makes a big move in Catwoman #25

“Return to Alleytown” story in Catwoman #25 is the real point where Selina decided to take a turn in her life. When Selina was walking around the streets of Alleytown, she catches her eyes with three hooligans, kids take a look for her and decides to rob as they think she is some rich woman in the wrong part of the town. Very Skillfully a kid swept her purse, one bumped into her and took her watch and one tried to rob her on gunpoint. The kids then retreat to a section of Alleytown called “the Nest,” a small shanty-like dwelling on a large rooftop. Here Selina makes a big move. 

Kids thought they got a treat that day when Selina makes a big move, but they only got an empty purse, worthless watch, and instead of robbing they were the ones who got robbed. Then Catwoman breaks into their place and told them that she the one whom they tried to steal from. She tells them her own story that once she used to be one of them but with a mentor, who craved her molded her and elevated her from not being a common street thug like them. “You’re thieves. You’re good thieves, but I’m better,” Catwoman tells them. “You’ve run the short cons. I can show you the long ones.”

Selina makes a big move as she informs them that she is the new owner of Nest, she told them to put the word out the Catwoman is going to be the “new showrunner” in the town. By doing this, Catwoman has successfully established herself as the new boss of Alleytown while simultaneously creating a school to train the kids to be well-trained con artists and grifters instead of just violent punks and thugs.

No matter where Selina is, no matter what she does, she never forgets that the Alleytown is her real home. By buying Nest, Selina somewhere established her feet in Alleytown. This move somewhere made Catman the new kingpin of Alleytown. And this is how Selina makes a big move.

I let my art describe myself. From the age of 10 writing has been my superpower. This helped me to explore myself and made an introvert guy that there are many ways to express yourself.