Sharon Carter Is Older Than She Should Be In Dimension Z, Captain America #23 Reverses It 1 Comics

Sharon Carter Is Older Than She Should Be In Dimension Z, Captain America #23 Reverses It

In Dimension Z, Sharon Carter is older than her actual age, then happens Captain America #23. Captain America #23 takes back the 7-year-old plotline for the sale of a major supporting character. It is leading them into the exciting new era. 

Significantly, Sharon Carter is older than she should be, for years now, as she aged faster in Dimension Z. Finally, Captain America #23 reverses the same side effect, effectively restoring Carter’s youth. 

During this arc, it is disclosed that Selene Gallio, a member of Power Elite, has stolen Sharon’s soul’s piece. As being part of the Power Elite, Selene was part of the plan to frame Steve Rogers for murder. In Captain America #23 Sharon Carter wears the Iron Patriot armor and then fights Selene in the battle.

Sharon Carter is older Than She Should Be, Plotline Explained

The issue starts with Sharon speaking to herself about how she is far older than she used to be, dreaming about what it’s like to age. She realizes that Sharon Carter is older than she should actually be.

She says that the youth of Sharon was not lived but in fact stolen, referencing the happenings in Dimension Z. In 2013’s Captain America #10 by Rick Remender and John Romita Jr. Sharon seemed to die by surrendering herself to stop Arnim Zola.

Sharon Carter Is Older Than She Should Be In Dimension Z, Captain America #23 Reverses It 2 Comics

It was revealed later that Sharon had not died but was living in Dimension Z, where time was passing faster than the regular world. This has caused Sharon to age rapidly, using her time trapped to raise Ian Zola as her child. When Zola came back to attack New York, Falcon and Jet Black found that Sharon was alive in Remember and Carlos Pacheco’s Captain America #23. In the next issue, she was returned to the normal world via her son, Ian Zola. 

Sharon Carter is older than the actual self. Throughout Coates’ recent run, Sharon has spoken about how that incident altered her and how she bore with aging so much while the rest of the world waited still around her. She enabled the establishment of the new generation of the Daughters of Liberty, a private society of influential women whose origins date back centuries. She also found out that her aunt Peggy was alive. During issue #22 of Coates’ run, she eventually wore the Iron Patriot suit, getting back into the fight.

After her fight with Selene, Shuri rebuilds the souls of all the victims Selene took. As a result, Sharon comes back to her pre-Dimension Z age.

Sharon Carter Is Older Than She Should Be In Dimension Z, Captain America #23 Reverses It Comics

In Dimension Z, Sharon Carter is older than she should be. But then she turns young. As she becomes young again, she exclaims happily, “I just had the craziest dream.” This disclosure seems to come much to the shock of her longtime boyfriend, Steve Rogers, who is looking at her with a shocked expression.

For the sale of turning Sharon Carter young again, Captain America #23 reverses the plot that lasted 7 years back, this has given Sharon an opportunity to head back into the frontlines.

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