Umbrella Academy How Luther's Transformation is Different in Comics Entertainment

Umbrella Academy: How Luther’s Transformation is Different in Comics?

The hardest task in this universe is to find something weirder than Netflix’s “The Umbrella Academy“. But you fill somethings that are weirder with you read the Original Graphic Novel. We find Luther’s Transformation different.

Although not being the first adopted child of Sir Reginald Hargreeves aka the Monocle and everyone admits that Luther isn’t the character who receives the most amount of love either in Comic or in Netflix’s Adaptation “The Umbrella Academy”.

With a codename, ‘The Horror’ Luther is one of the adopted children and his appearance is most grotesque: a man’s head stuck above a towering gorilla-like body with tubes and hoses coming in and out of his body into some kind of dialysis-machine-looking contraption strapped to his back. It is the worst thing that happens to somebody with some special abilities. His siblings experienced some normal life, but then the only chance, Luther’s has for living normal life vanished before he can even see his adult life. And thus Luther’s Transformation is different than the depicted one in comics.

Luther’s Transformation On Netflix

In Netflix, Luther’s Transformation is unique. A mission leaves Luther seriously wounded. To get back Luther out of death’s hand Hargreeves injects a mysterious substance into his chest. This injection results in some kind of genetic transformation that turns Luther’s body from the neck down into a human/ape hybrid. It sounds weird right but it can never touch the limit of Weirdness in the comic books. 

Many readers know that Luther sees Luther’s Transformation in the first issue of the Apocalypse Suite storyline, in the form of framed newspaper clippings on the wall of his moon base. When Luther made his first appearance, he was all alone in his life, saved for a robot named Ben. Earlier in his life, he was sent to Mars on a mysterious mission. Then because of some problems mission failed and Hargreeves performed an operation to save his life.

Umbrella Academy How Luther's Transformation is Different in Comics Entertainment 1

Let’s face it, grafting the head of a child to the body of a Martian ape would make even Victor Frankenstein shiver. Almost nothing is known of the mission or the specifics of the procedure. However, there is a glimpse of the dead Martian ape’s head preserved in a jar in Hargreeves’ laboratory. Unfortunately, just as little is known of the apes who dwell on Mars, besides the fact that Luther may very well have not survived whatever went wrong on the red planet were it not for their existence.

No one can forget that Luther is the one who is known as Spaceboy for being the first boy who made his way to space. Luther was still a child when this whole procedure came to action. This adds a pinch of weirdness to Luther’s Transformation. Weirdness, because it’s hard to imagine what going through puberty and the awkward teenage years must have been like as a human head grafted to a giant alien-ape body. 

I let my art describe myself. From the age of 10 writing has been my superpower. This helped me to explore myself and made an introvert guy that there are many ways to express yourself.