Batman Ditched His Favorite Batmobile Dc Comics TrendingEtc

Why Batman Ditched His Favorite Batmobile?

While The Dark Knight has fully used his Batmobile to encounter crime in Gotham City, the latest issue of Detective Crime sees him riding a different ride. Therefore, Batman Ditched His Favorite Batmobile.

The latest issue of Detective Comics and Batman’s first issue after the incident of Joker War, surprises fans as Batman Ditched His Favorite Batmobile. Batman can’t blame anything as his all money and resources that were stolen and used by Joker to fund and arm his massive onslaught on the city. Because of insane Joker, the people of Gotham city have to suffer a lot. However, this new issue gives Batman an open and shut case so that he can take a breath. This case doesn’t need anything extreme and extra, in issue, Batman doesn’t even need his favorite Batmobile, instead, he rides a horse to stop the crime.

Batman Ditched His Favorite Batmobile, Here Is When…

In Detective Comics #1028 from writer Peter J. Tomasi with art by Nicola Scott, A horseman wearing the face of a cop who is believed to be dead is going after and killing a group of dirty city officials one by one. At a scene, Batman arrives there and despite taking down the commissioner Bullock, Batman uncovers the identity of the killer before he can even strike and take down the last of the officials. Here we got to know that Batman Ditched His Favorite Batmobile.

Batman Ditched His Favorite Batmobile Darknight Dc comics TrendingETC

Batman reveals that the Killer is none other than Jake Holman’s son Steve, who is wearing that mask to look like his father so that he can take revenge from those corrupt officials, who framed his father and forced him to take his own life. Holman Sr. tried to expose the real face of those officials but unfortunately got caught resulting in the officials killing him and planting drugs on himself in a way that all his investigation makes him appear as dirty as they are in real.

While Steve is about to take his revenge by killing that last official, Batman emerges from the darkness to stop him, causing Steve to try and escape on his horse. However, Batman Ditched His Favorite Batmobile, mounts his horse, and rides into the night to capture Steve before he can harm anyone else in his quest for vengeance.

At the end of the issue, Batman manages to imprison Steve Holman but after he kills three men. This action of Holman just memorialize the tension against vigilantism in Gotham, and Bruce sees Officer Christopher Nakano, a victim of the Joker War, announcing his intention to run for Gotham Mayor on the platform that he’ll be getting rid of vigilantes in Gotham. 

Bruce doesn’t that things are going to be hard as public perception about Dark Knights rarely changing such fans should get prepared to witness a lot of drama, as the lighter nature of riding a horse to fight crime in the modern-day might be the last ray of positivity in the Gotham City. And this is how Batman Ditched His Favorite Batmobile.

I let my art describe myself. From the age of 10 writing has been my superpower. This helped me to explore myself and made an introvert guy that there are many ways to express yourself.