Black Widow comics trendingetc

Black Widow Puts Herself In Danger To Save One Of Marvel’s Most Powerful Weapon

The Wand of Watoomb has been featured in Doctor Strange Comics many times, but now Black Widow has the responsibility to keep it safe in a flashback adventure.

Typically readers know what they are going to see in Black Widow Comics. Usually, her comics feature more spy stories similar to Jason Bourne or James Bond but not like what Marvel usually delivers. But now in a flashback adventure in her past in Black Widow: Widow’s Sting, readers are going to enjoy her involvement in a powerful magical artifact. Black Widow is going to encounter a bug danger to save the Wand of Watoomb and to keep the Universe safe because of it.

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Wand of Watoomb first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man Annual #2, Xanadu the villain of that issue described that weapon as  “the most powerful weapon in all necromantic lore.” That wand was so powerful that Spiderman needed to cang up with Doctor Strange to stop that evil Magician. This new Natasha’s flashback adventure is going to give glimpses of the situation when the Wand lands inhe wrong hands.

The crime lord Silvermane unites several criminal organizations into the Maggia under his rule using the recently procured Wand of Watoomb to keep them in line. After Black Widow infiltrates a party at Silvermane’s mansion, she takes to stealing it back — but the task does not prove easy.

As explained earlier, Doctor Strange has loaned that magic wand to a museum as a sorcerer supreme to avoid other deadly adventures, but the super-spy is out of her depth because of the power of the wand. When the Wand landed in Silvermane’s hand, it received some different kind of power as he was able to bring anything he imagines into reality, reducing a room of firearms to ash and leaving him fully protected from the bullets. Widow somehow manages to seize the wand, buy a new problem arises as the wand becomes powerful in Widow’s hand as it takes a lot of practice to use it. Silvermane appears out of the shadows with a cybernetic exoskeleton that makes him an even greater physical threat than Marko was, and it is only due to the timely intervention of an unexpected ally that Black Widow proves victorious at all.

It’s really fun to see what happens when a powerful sorcerer lands in a Spy-thriller genre. The Wand of Watoomb proves to be a fun item because continuity matters very little. In this long time, many Wands have appeared in Marvel Comics and are way more powerful than this wand. While the Wand was in the spotlight in the 616 universes, it never got the particular fame that infinity gems cosmic cube and other space weapons got.

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