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Why Batman Fails to Predict Joker’s Move?

The Joker is so chaotic and insane that he becomes so unpredictability that even Batman fails to predict Joker’s move.

Joker, the most insane and cruel enemy Batman ever faced, he is so chaotic and insane that it’s nearly impossible to understand him completely. While Gotham City is already full of crazy villains, the clown prince has topped the list of being the most insane criminal of Gotham City. Despite his full proof plan, the Joker has to face defeat by the hand of Bruce Wayne. Sometimes Batman tries to think like a madman so that he can crack what Joker is planning to do. But Batman / Superman #13 proves why he is the clown prince and Batman fails to predict Joker’s move.

Since Joker made his first appearance in Bill Finger and Bob Kane’s Batman #1, he has been that one thorn in Batman’s path which hurts him the most. It has been 80 years since Joker is playing his dirty games these games has gone from playful and silly to dangerous and violent. One day he just does some playful jokes and the next day he beats the dark knight to his death. Even Batman can’t predict Joker’s move. While the Dark Knight has the skills and strength to take down some of the biggest DC villains but Joker delivers some unexpected gifts for him.  And Batman fails to predict Joker’s move.

Batman fails to predict joker's move comics trendingetc

In Joshua Williamson and Max Raynor Batman/Superman #13, the two most heroic figures are trapped on the moon by a rogue Brainiac program that has combined the Batcomputer and Villian profile The program tests Batman and Superman repeatedly by creating robotic versions of their worst villains and forcing them to fight these foes. Eventually, that system was programmed to give them a taste of infinite dangers. Looking at the situation Bruce finds a way out of this and he figures out that in this world there is only one person who can take them of this is The Joker.

Batman’s Smart Move But Still Batman Fails To Predict Joker’s Move

Batman played a smart move and asks the computer to make a Joker robot as he was aware of the fact that the computer will not able to build that robot. Sure enough, as soon as the Joker bot appears, it begins to run amok, leaving a path of destruction. The Joker bot even rescues Superman from a robotic Lex Luthor. As Superman watches, dumbfounded, Batman appears and explains that “The Joker is a chaos engine that even the smartest computer will never understand.” This is the perfect example of how Batman fails to predict Joker’s move, is that even the Computer fails to calculate his moves. This glitch caused a virus in the computer that helped Batman and Superman to get out of this mess.

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