Batgirl shares more similarities to daredevil trendingetc

Batgirl Shares More Similarities To Daredevil Than Batman

The last issue of Batgirl shows Batgirl shares more similarities to Daredevil than the person who made her Batgirl, The Batman.

In the interval of time many things came out that are common in both Daredevil and Batman but they also share a lot of differences. Batman is a violent vigilante and he never takes any life but he can do everything to take down crime. He never regrets when he beats someone, he never forgets or forgives. He is that one dark vigilante who never apologizes for what he has done. However, when it comes to Batgirl, Batgirl shares more similarities to Daredevil than the man who made her what she is today.

However, the recent run of Daredevil shows him as a guy who remorse constantly. Matt Murdock is someone who feels guilty about his actions more than any other superhero. The last confession he made in Charles Soule, Ron Garney, Matt Milla, and VC’s Clayton Cowles’s Daredevil #20, Daredevil confessed to a priest, that he hurt Kirsten McDuffie just for her safety. However, it shows Daredevil shows as a person who feels guilty when he does something bad even if it is for sake of safety and justice. That is why Daredevil turned himself in when someone he was fighting died. The last run of Batgirl shows Batgirl shares more to Daredevil.

Batgirl shares more similarities to daredevil trendingetcc

In the last run of Batgirl Barbara Gordon, if she needed her relationship with Jason Bard to work, she had to reveal herself to make things up. She felt not revealing her true face will hurt him in long run, so she showed up as her real face, Batgirl, and apologized to him. She had fought him when she was Batgirl and thrown him from the building but as soon she has overreacted, she saved his life. She would take a lot of time to open up and apologize to him for everything and when he also showed remorse, it cleared things up between them and made Barbara feel comfortable moving forward with their relationship.

Batgirl Shares More Similarities To Daredevil

Later, when Batgirl and Batman were sharing some words, Batman told her that he lost a lot of money while encountering Joker, she made a point that he is now a millionaire instead of a billionaire. She convinced him that he is still able to help the people of his City. Finally, she got through to him, and he sent money and aid to the Gotham Homeless Fund to keep it open when she wouldn’t take his excuses. This is the point where she proved that Batgirl shares more similarities to Daredevil as in the recent issue of Daredevil, Matt also asked Tony to help the people of Hell’s Kitchen.

Many situations prove that Batgirl shares more similarities to Daredevil than Batman. While Batman kept his focus on his company and fighting crime, Daredevil served as Mayor at one time and has worked as an attorney his entire life, trying to help people as much as he hurts the bad guys. 

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