Ozymandias' Plan Will Deliver Depressing Result trendingetc

Watchmen: Ozymandias’ Plan Will Deliver Depressing Result In Today’s World

Ozymandias’ Plan Will Deliver Depressing Result in today’s world. One of the most prominent plans in the history of the comic book was performed in the eighties and would in all probability fails in today’s world.

When Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons Watchmen comic made its debut in 1986, it delivered the story about broken heroes living shattered lives, who later uncover one of the most heartbreaking plots in comic book history. Ozymandias, a team of the most beloved heroes, asked all the people together to give humanity a treat rally after the death of thousands of civilians. Ozymandias’ Plan Will Deliver Depressing Result in this world.

Ozymandias' Plan Will Deliver Depressing Result

In a shocking moment, the well-intentioned yet nefarious conspiracy comes to fruition, sparking horror and a sense of unity in equal measure. This plan executed well in comic books but in today’s world people are so much divided that no one can even think about doing this. Ozymandias’ Plan Will Deliver Depressing Result, and this is shown.

The heroes that worked with the deceased assembled to investigate the murder of Edward Blake, The Comedian. Rorschach headed the investigation and added only those heroes who have some superpowers. Doctor Manhattan, is being eviscerated in the court of public opinion, blamed for giving those he held closest cancer through his very nature.

Rorschach lands in jail for the murder he didn’t commit but his teammates and allies worked hard to get the blame off his head. When Rorschach and Nite Owl have gotten to the bottom of the mystery, they find that the death of the Comedian, outcry against Doctor Manhattan, the framing of Rorschach, and even an attempt on his own life were all the work of Adrian Veidt, Ozymandias. However it was just a secondary plan to divert the heroes’ focus so that Veidt can unleash a skyscraper-sized creature upon New York, but the plan didn’t execute well as the monster died even before he reached his destination. Ozymandias’ Plan Will Deliver Depressing Result, and this is how.

Ozymandias’ Plan Will Deliver Depressing Result With Death And Destruction

Death and Destruction caused because of the big monster caused shockwave all over the world. When Doctor Manhattan confronted everything, Veidt revealed that he planned all this to unite the people again and surprisingly it worked. For the first time in history, major world power has entered into a period of peaceful cooperation to analyze and approach whatever this new threat is with a singular focus.

After all this, all the heroes decided that revealing the truth would be wrong at the moment. It was not a joyful moment as it saw a lot of critics for a long time. Worse is if this all happened in the real-life the outcome will be depressing it will never match the vision of Moore and Gibbons. 

Ozymandias' Plan Will Deliver Depressing

The idea that a single, global threat to mankind could unite us all under a common goal is common to apocalyptic fiction. Movies like Independence Day or Pacific Rim play off of this idea. Both of these properties echo Watchmen in that all of humanity comes together because of a visible threat that threatens humanity as a whole. Stories such as Marvel Zombies and The Walking Dead provide the same sort of evil, but aside from a small group of survivors, there is no real-world left to band together in the first place.

But the most realistic version of this type of tale is the one that is currently affecting the real world. Amid a global pandemic, some places have been more affected than others, but there has been no global unification of the human spirit. Ozymandias’ Plan Will Deliver Depressing Result, this is how it has already delivered the depressing results.

Hey, My name is Lata Bhardwaj. I use Samsy as my pen name. I am a Research Scholar (English) from India, who loves interacting with people. My journey while pursuing a PhD is leading ways towards a beautiful life. I have been writing since long as I love writing. I hope my articles are making you talk for some time.