Hellboy trendingetc

Why GhostBusters Can’t Have Hellboy In The Team?

As in Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Seven Wives Club Hellboy was seen taking down many scary ghosts and it made the fact clear that he would never join the Ghostbusters.

Anung Un Rama Aka Hellboy has encountered countless malevolent ghosts since Grigori Rasputin spawned him on the Earth to aid Nazi Regime. And yet over the years, Rama has killed many creatures just for the sake of humanity. This made a fact clear that Hellboy would never join a team like Ghostbusters even if he was given a chance.

Since the start, he is seen leading the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense, a top-secret Government Agency which handles eradicating supernatural threats, and as a result of his dedication to his, work he has faced a lot of danger while fighting many witches and werewolves.

Hellboyy trendingetc

He has taken many creatures down but Ghosts are the one whom he hates the most, then why he will ever join a team whose only purpose is to track down and eliminate ghosts whenever they get a phone call and his hatred for ghosts were seen in Mike Mignola, Adam Hughes, and Dave Stewart’s one-shot special Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.: The Seven Wives Club.

Why Hellboy Hate Ghosts So Much?

In this issue, Hellboy teams up with  B.P.R.D. field agent Pauline Raskin, to investigate the history of a place called The Holy Sisters Of Marne- the place where a man named Wakeman dumped the bodies of seven women and then hanged himself.

The main Guide Mr. Ford takes him and Raskin to the basement where all the bodies were stored including Mr. Ford’s mother – used to work with black magic and dissect his body, he tells them that the sisters who were involved with managing Wakeman’s body had all started to die in strange ways. 

Once the trio lands in the basement Mr. Ford’s mother gives him a call and Hellboy discovers the body of Wakeman having seven paper hearts in his chest cavity. After he and Raskin hear a scream from Mr. Ford, their eyes pop out seeing a throng of ghosts rising out of the floor.

As the flame engulfed ghosts attempt to grab ahold of Hellboy and Raskin, Raskin discovers that the pinned paper hearts in Wakeman’s chest cavity may be the reason they are still present in the material world – which prompts her to start ripping them in half. Surprisingly when Raskin tears a heart ghosts begin to disappear but luck was not with them as Wakeman’s body came back to life and grab her.

Since fire caused by ghosts can’t touch Hellboy, he rushes to save Raskin and beats the hell out of Wakeman till his chest cavity explodes. After the wild incident, Raskin begins to debate whether the ghosts of the seven burned victims are attached to the paper hearts or Wakeman’s body itself, which provokes Hellboy to tell her, “Give me a werewolf or a mummy–they might put up a fight but at least you usually know what they’re about.”

Hey, My name is Lata Bhardwaj. I use Samsy as my pen name. I am a Research Scholar (English) from India, who loves interacting with people. My journey while pursuing a PhD is leading ways towards a beautiful life. I have been writing since long as I love writing. I hope my articles are making you talk for some time.