Moon Knight trendingetc

Moon Knight Proved Himself Marvel’s Batman

Moon Knight share a lot of similarities with Batman but which of them has an upper hand? The answer is a lot more complicated.

Frequently, Marvel’s comics’ Moon Knight has been compared to DC’s dark vigilante Batman. Certainly, they share a lot of similarities – both Marc Spector and Bruce Wayne have money as their superpower. Both are night violent vigilant, and even they both use similar gadgets as Moon Knight crescent-shaped boomerangs that hunt more like Batman’s “Batrangs”

This streak of similarities ends with the question of physical strength as he can be both much weaker and much stronger than the Dark Knight depending on the time of the month. Although he has since lost this unusual power, there was a time when Moon Knight’s strength fluctuated greatly with the phases of the moon.

Moon Knightt trendingetc

Who Is More Stronger Moon Knight or Batman

While different stories deliver different explanations for the real source of his power. Originally it was stated that while facing Egyptian moon god Khonshu, mercenary Marc Spector developed some superhuman abilities including enhanced strength, endurance, and reflexes. But the problem with his powers is that his powers would grow as the moon got fuller and gradually fade as the full moon waned into a new moon.

Then to what limit Moon Knight’s power can go? As per The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #9, even on the new moon night, Marc Spector was able to lift twice his body weight. His powers dramatically increase when he gets access to proper Moon Knight. This superhuman gift allowed Marc to accomplish many tremendous feats from bending iron bar to taking down some deadly creatures.

So how does Batman’s power compare with Moon Knight’s strength? While the journey of Batman saw him gaining some extraordinary strength as modern comic agrees that Bruce Wayne normally bench presses over 1000 pounds during his normal workouts and can also leg press 2500 pounds. While on the battlefield Batman was asked to cross his limits and he was seen lifting beams weighing over half a ton of lifting giants weighing over 500 pounds with a single arm.

Batman has shown some impressive feats that are nowhere compared to what Moon Knight can do under the light of the full moon. While normally Marc Spector is unable to do what Bruce Wayne does while his everyday work out, his ability to press two tons on certain nights puts him in a superhuman category. Unless Batman were to don one of his strength-enhancing armored suits, he would be severely outclassed by Moon Knight.

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