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Black Mirror Creator Is Developing A Mockumentary On 2020 And The Coronavirus for Netflix

Black Mirror creator Charlie Booker,  confirmed that recently he is working on a mockumentary for Netflix in the year 2020 and The Coronavirus.

The global pandemic Coronavirus or Covid-19 inspired the creator of Black Mirror to work on a comedic project for the time being, including a mockumentary for Netflix.

Charlie Booker, the creator of Netflix’s hit series is recently working on a mockumentary for Netflix, that will shed light on spooky events that happened in 2020 and what the historians have to say about it. A report by Deadline confirms that Charlie is going to bring the Pandemic to Big Screen with his upcoming Mockumentary.

The Mockumentary has already chosen Hugh Grant, who unknowingly leaked the information about the project during an interview about his show The Undoing’s finale. Grant is going to play the role of a historian, who will be interviewed about the hellish events that happened in the year 2020. 

Black Mirror Available On Netflix

Charlie Booker left his mark on the industry with his BBC series Annual Wipe, which takes a dark and comedy look at the news and events that happened in the past year. The show ran successfully until 2016 when Booker decided to uplift his career with some other shows like Black Mirror. Back in May, Booker teased fans that Covid-19 can be the reason behind the end of the Black Mirror series.

He expressed doubts that fans could stomach any more stories about dystopian societies at the moment. Instead, he revealed that he was working on more comedic scripts and projects aimed at making people laugh.

The series aired for two seasons on U.K’s Channel 4 before it switched to Netflix, which ran the show’s latest seasons and its interactive film, Black Mirror: Bandersnatch. All five seasons of the show, along with Black Mirror: Bandersnatch and the holiday special “White Christmas” are available on Netflix.

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