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Who Can Be The Best Marvel Comics Jedi?

It takes a certain kind of feature in a person to be worthy of Jedi Knighthood and in Marvel Comics Captain America is that one superhero who has it all.

A lightsaber can make every superhero way cooler but the question is who is the best Jedi in the Star Wars universe. A calm and pure-hearted force monk knows how many fighting skills but use their powers to maintain peace and take down the bad, like most superheroes. But there is some superhero who shouldn’t even try to be a Jedi.

Standing for right and peace is the nature of a Jedi. Their nature is of diplomacy and reverence to the binding will of the Force. They consist of both the skills of peacemaking and fighting skills that can kill anyone easily. Many superheroes are well trained which makes them destructive and powerful to stop the destruction. But restraint and an ideology that values life and working for the greater good makes many heroes quality Jedi material. But some stand out above the others.

Other Than Captain America Who Can Be A Jedi In Marvel Comics?

In Marvel Comics, Spider-Man is the primary example as he has some really powerful and amazing skills that can cause destruction but still, he tries to cause as little destruction as he can. From losing his parents and being bullied in the school Peter Parker has all the reason to be drawn to the bad side.

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But he chose to use his newly found power in the good sense. A correct and clear sign that he can be a Jedi in Marvel Comics. Spidey doesn’t need any kind of force power and lightsaber. But he would make a proper Jedi due to his devotion to doing what’s right. 

In Marvel Comics, Charles Xavier is an amazingly good guy and has used his powers to sought justice for every mutant. His decision to devoting his life to help mutant kids and stop further mutating makes other heroes give him respect.

With just his mind, Charles can kill millions of enemies with just a thought but he just used it to help others. Professor X gathered the X-Men and gave some of its rougher characters so many second chances that he deserves sainthood as well as the title of Jedi. 

Jedi needs to leave every relation and possession. This is a tricky tenet to follow (even for Jedi Masters) and especially for superheroes. While heroes have secret identities that similarly detach them from regular lives, relieving themselves from all attachment is another thing altogether.

Hey, My name is Lata Bhardwaj. I use Samsy as my pen name. I am a Research Scholar (English) from India, who loves interacting with people. My journey while pursuing a PhD is leading ways towards a beautiful life. I have been writing since long as I love writing. I hope my articles are making you talk for some time.