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Marvel To Release A New Alien Series In 2021

Writer Philip Kennedy Johnson and artist Salvador Larroca are all set to collaborate for a new alien series based on a Marvel Comic Book series, set to release on early 2021.

Recently Marvel announced that an all-new Marvel series is going to debut in 2021, which will explore the never-seen aspects of the popular science-fiction franchise.

Marvel’s Alien #1 To Debut In March 2021

Writer Philip Kennedy Johnson and Actor Salvador Larroca collaborate on Alien #1 will see its debut in March 2021. The series will introduce new and classic characters from the earth including a Weyland-Yutani mercenary named Gabriel Cruz. The description for Alien #1 says   “battles a deadly new breed of xenomorph with the survival of his child hanging in the balance.”

“Just as a reader and fan, I was as excited as anyone when I heard the franchise was coming to Marvel, and when they asked me to WRITE THE LAUNCH, I was floored. I’ve been training my whole life for this gig without knowing it,” Johnson said in a recent statement. “Ever since seeing Ridley Scott’s Alien at way too young an age, I’ve been OBSESSED with the xenomorph, the single most iconic representation of terror on film.”

“Drawing this has been like a dream come true, and I am so grateful to be a part of this series!” Larroca said. “Ever since I was young, Alien has been of my favorite sci-fi horror references, and I never could have expected to have the chance to draw this. Alien is a creative reference to a whole generation of artists, and I’m so proud to now be illustrating this series. I hope readers enjoy it as much as I do drawing it! Phillip’s story is going to be a delight for fans of this awesome franchise!”

“I’ve devoured every Alien story I could in every medium available and spent a lot of hours in the back of a classroom sketching out ideas for what happened before, after, and in-between the chapters we got to see,” Johnson added. “Now I have the opportunity to bring my favorite nightmares to life. And with my insanely talented friends at Marvel and some of the greatest artists in comics telling these stories with me, I can promise you: our nightmares will be yours.”

Recently Marvel announced that they had acquired the publishing right of Alien vs Predator, previously Dark Horse Comics was the one who had the right to publish it.

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