Nightwing and Batman Team Up Comics

Nightwing and Batman Team Up

Hurray!! Nightwing and Batman are finally together.
Nightwing is ready to fight The Magistrate and has Batman on his team.

The Preview from the Future State: Nightwing, written by Andrew Constant and art by Nicola Scott is drawing attention. This is a completely unexpected duo and is very crucial to Gotham City. Gotham is going through some of its darkest times ever. Bruce Wayne is most likely kidnapped or dead Nightwing is teaming up with Tim Fox, the next Batman. While Nightwing is just done with the mess Gotham City is, they are pairing up to prepare to fight hard.

Nightwing and Batman Team Up Comics 1

The peacemakers have probably killed Bruce Wayne as they are on a killing streak to end anyone who dares to wear a mask. Vigilantes and their justice system have never been on such a greater threat before. It’s very crucial that Tim now has Dick Grayson by his side to fight this battle. They are the only resistance between justice and complete havoc in the city. Dick Grayson is very important and will definitely add experience and strength to this battle. They cannot take on the war alone. They need Batgirl, Huntress, and all possible help they can get from other Vigilantes.

The Duo- Nightwing and Batman:

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The Magistrate is growing stronger day by day with surveillance set up all over the city. The days are growing darker and a destructive future is near where the magistrate imposes complete monopoly. This is without a doubt an amazing twist and a taste of zing added to the storyline by creators. The comic is said to release soon and fans cannot wait. It definitely is going to be action-packed because now the Nightwing and Batman have started to team up and gather other allies.

They are going to need all the help they can get. Till then they will have to hold down the expanding magistrate. Dick and Tim and their new bond also have a chance to flourish and pave an amazing path for a new friendship and alliance.