Batman and Black Panther

Batman Is Getting Attention With His Recent Face-off With Black Panther

Black Panther the king of Wakanda is one of the greatest fighters that Marvel Cinematic Universe has ever seen. T’Challa dominates all fights he is in. There are very few exceptions where the King gets to fight with an equal. From the recent issue, Marvel is clearly pointing towards Nighthawk being one of the superheroes who can match the level with Black Panther. Nighthawk is an addition brought by Marvel that parodies the Dark Knight of DC. The Phoenix has summoned a lot of odd yet nail-biting faceoffs between heroes.

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Batman Face-off With Black Panther

This cosmic force is imbued in the chosen heroes. The fight is then completely based on the strength and speed and intellect of the two heroes in the arena. In #41 Nighthawk from The squadron supreme of America and Black Panther, the king of Wakanda is put to fight. The Force has no clear deciding factor and chooses only after it has seen the strength and agility and fighting skill of both sides.

Kyle Richmond aka Nighthawk is the ambassador to Wakanda and also a U.S Congressman. There is no clear winner against the political and financial ups and downs the Nighthawk and Panther face. Maybe that’s why Phoenix put together this decider between these two heroes. The Phoenix picks in every fight about who deserves to go ahead in the competition.

Batman Face-off With Black Panther

In Avengers #42 written by Jason Aaron and art by Luca Maresca Black Panther reveals to the other competitors that it was a tough fight. Nighthawk and Black Panther fought for hours together, till a stalemate. No one could defeat the other but Phoenix finally picked Black Panther over Nighthawk. Though Black Panther understands that this win position could be arbitrary he also knows that he had an equal. It is made pretty clear that Nighthawk is one of the toughest heroes in Marvel.

The Squadron Supreme of America is a superhero team-up created by the demon Mephisto as advised by Phil Coulson. Their main goal is to dethrone Avengers as earth’s mightiest heroes. It is a little mimic of the Justice League from DC with Nighthawk in the lead like The Batman in DC. Whatsoever, it is a warning to all the Marvel heroes knowing that Nighthawk could hold himself together against Black Panther.

Nighthawk and his Squadron team could be coming up against the Avengers soon. The match-up could be a clue by Marvel about the future endeavours between these two groups. Nighthawk and Black Panthers toe to toe fight is surely a twist and a statement made about Nighthawk and his strength.