Xbox XS series

Xbox X|S Series Announces A Frame Boost

Xbox X|S series, the new feature will see a better FPS on games like Far Cry 4 and UFC4

Xbox is determined to stay true to its commitment to compatibility with an FPS boost feature that will improve framerates for games from previous generations when played on the new console. The official Xbox site showed this update with details about its development and the titles that will see the benefits of these.

The Xbox X|S series update shows how a better CPU and GPU and improved memory are going to make the playing experience far better and easier. No updates from the gamer’s end are required to enjoy the better framerate. The Xbox X|S team has configured and employed a variety of methods to not only double but for few instances Quadruple the original framerate.

XBOX New Series Update

This change is sure to deliver a very smooth experience to the player and is going to make these old titles work smoother. Gamers are going to enjoy a smoother than ever gameplay as the hardware at that time for the old titles was limited. But now in the new age Xbox X|S series surely surpasses all in an easy and fast experience.

Far Cry 4, Sniper Elite 4, UFC 4, New Super Lucky’s Tale Watch Dogs 2 are some of the titles chosen because of their popularity as new ones will be added soon. These were seen to be the best to give the expected result with the FPS boost. One more amazing news is that many more FPS boost games will be available with the Xbox Game Pass. Xbox X|S is giving a treat to all the gamers with this fast and new smoother than ever experience.