Dark Side of Doctor Strange Cloak

Doctor Strange Cloak: The Dark Side Revealed

Having magical artifacts like Doctor Strange Cloak of Levitation is cool and all but have you ever wondered that there might be a dark side of these life-saving tools?

Possessing a magical, and autonomous cloak certainly gives the wielder an advantage and a power boost, however, it is not necessary that these living cloaks cannot have a dark side just like humans. The Cloak of Levitation has been one of Doctor Strange’s most favorite and much used magical items. Along with it, the Sorcerer Supreme also uses other powerful magical items like the Eye Of Agamotto, the Book Of Vishanti, and the Wand Of Watoomb. Doctor Strange Cloak first appeared in “Strange Tales #144” in a peculiar blue color which was later turned to red in the series’ #127 issue and since then it has been the same.

Credits: Disney Plus

Strange received the Cloak of Levitation from the Ancient One, which bestows the power of flight to its user. It can work on its own and can act as a protective shield for the wielder and can also be activated without even been worn. Without a doubt, the Cloak of Levitation is an important tool in Doctor Strange’s armory and has proved its worth time after time but these magical items can also have a dark side as discovered by a young student at Marvel’s Strange Academy. In new previews for Strange Academy #5 by Marvel Comics, student Calvin Morse is seen daydreaming about his life as a foster child, where his own magical cape turns into a deadly weapon.

Doctor Strange Cloak
Doctor Strange Cloak

The Other Side of Doctor Strange Cloak Personality Revealed

In the new previews for the Strange Academy #5 by Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos, and Edgar Delgado, Calvin Morse, a student at the Strange Academy, daydreams about his time as a foster kid while in class. Amidst his dream, he is enquired by his foster parents about the new jacket that he was wearing. Even though Calvin stated that he found the jacket in his room, his foster parent suspected that he stole their credit card. Infuriated by his seeming actions, the father asks Calvin to take the jacket off, which he denies, provoking his foster father to forcibly take off the jacket off of his foster child. However, using force wasn’t the best course of action for Calvin’s guardian.

When Calvin, the wielder of the enchanted Jacket, was in danger from his father, the Jacket jumps into action wrapping itself around the father, thus restraining him. As it turns out, the jacket wasn’t just restraining the father but also strangling him to his death and while it’s about to get his foster mom, he’s awoken by his teacher, the Scarlet Witch

Once conscious, Calvin reveals the terrible things that his Jacket did in his dreams. Although it is still unclear whether this happened in real or not, it is definitely a relieving thing that the Strange Academy took the boy under their guidance before he went off the wrong track under the influence of his magical jacket. These living cloaks can surely be powerful tools in the hands of experienced sorcerers but in the hands of untrained children, they are equally dangerous. Calvin may need guidance from Doctor Strange himself about how he should control these Magical tools. Strange Academy #5 is in stores next week