Batman And Friends

Why Batman Will Never Work With Police?

There is a reason why Batman works outside the law and never attempts at working with the police

Batman has always been a solo act kind of a guy. He even considers teaming up with other superheroes only as a last resort. Throughout Batman’s journey, we have always witnessed him working on his own rather than with the police, with Adam West’s Batman being an exception. Fans have always wonder why Batman works for Justice and peace but never collaborates with the police while both have the same goals.

Why Batman Will Never Work With Police Comics Trendingetc

This question was finally answered in Future State: Dark Detective #3. With Gotham’s system dripping with corruption, Batman’s choice of operating alone is obvious. Though both, the police and Batman, aim for justice for all their way of implementing that justice is very different or simply put it’s their priorities that differ. The despair that DC’s Future State brings about on Gotham is far worse than anyone can imagine. The Magistrate enjoying power and serving to implement his own brand of justice. He commands his enormous army of Peacekeepers and surveillance nano drones, which he uses to spy on each and every person in Gotham. Learning about the  Magistrate’s truth comes as a massive shock for Bruce Wayne.

The Reasons Explained

Bruce Wayne has been facing a really hard time in DC’s Future State. Being on the run undercover, without any of his resources and family to back him up, he hides and works from the shadows trying to uncover the Magistrate’s true motives. During his attempts, he manages to get his hands on one of Magistrate’s nano surveillance drones and takes his investigation further. He hacks into the drone and discovers the astonishing reality of the Magistrate.

He learns that there are nano drones present everywhere in Gotham, spying on each and every citizen even inside their homes. “Twenty-four hour surveillance… blowing past an invasion of privacy to full-on panopticon,” he exclaims. Going in deeper into the Magistrate’s system, Bruce discovers a footage of a man getting killed 26 minutes before his estimated time of death suggesting that he was killed by the police as a wrap-up for something.

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Batman’s Morale

Protecting the innocent and serving justice to the criminals are the reasons which became Bruce’s motivation to walk down the path of a Vigilante. This is something that the government and the police don’t prioritize, to them protecting themselves and their institutions is all they care about. They misuse the powers bestowed on them by the people and violate the very principles of their foundation.

This is something Batman cannot agree to and hence he never opts to work with them. In contrast, this is how Batman himself is viewed by some fans, someone who follows his own system of justice violating the laws that every citizen should follow, even him. While he may not satisfy everyone but he certainly benefits everyone and that is all he cares about. Bruce himself lost his parents to this flawed society and that is why he works in a peculiar manner to make sure that doesn’t happen to anyone else.