Captain America Honour

Captain America Finally Takes Back His Honour

The Battle between Captain America and Red Skull finally concludes in Captain America #30 and Cap’s Honour is finally returned.

The end of Ta- Nehisi Coates’ Captain America run is finally approaching and so does the end of the battle between Cap and his Archnemesis. The series has been the most fun to read with all of its plot twists and action. It’s no wonder the comics were so great considering that they were created by Ta- Nehisi Coates. Ta- Nehisi Paul Coates is an American author and journalist. Coates gained a wide readership during his time as a national correspondent at The Atlantic, where he wrote about cultural, social, and political issues.

Captain America appearance in Hulk
Captain America

He has worked very hard to spread awareness about the plight of African Americans and against white supremacy. Apart from Captain America, Coates has also worked with Marvel comics and written a Black Panther series and has made a great impact on the depiction of Wakanda in the MCU. Even while delivering the work of entertainment, he finds an opportunity to reflect upon the idea of the man believed to be the true manifestation of the American dream. Cap lost all his honour and respect in society when the imposter used his identity to lead the armies of HYDRA and soiling his reputation as a hero in the process. Considering that Coates’ work has already made an impact on the MCU, it would be fun to watch if any of his new works too end up being adopted in the MCU.

Honour To The End

Captain America series, written by Ta- Nahisi Coates and artwork by Leonard Kirk, would finally conclude with the 30th issue i.e. Captain America #30. Since it the final act, the readers have a lot of expectations and hope betted on it. Of course, the long battle between the arch enemies would finally receive a spectacular end as teased by the publisher.

In the official press release, Tom Brevoort, the executive editor of the series hinted at the amazing stuff that was waiting for the fans in the final issue. “After a stellar two and a half year run, Ta-Nehisi is bringing his tenure on Captain America to a close, with an epic finale to the story that he’s been building all throughout his time on the title, And Leonard Kirk is providing some epic artwork—it’s going to be a climax to remember!” he stated.

Captain American Marvel
Captain America

The notion about Captain America retaking his lost honor was also teased in the press release through the comment “The acclaimed author’s run began with Captain America on the run as the most wanted man in America but will end with him restoring his honor.” The end result of Coates’ efforts remains to be seen but it’s definitely guaranteed that it would be a blast.