
Marvel Declares Spider-Man A Toxic Lover

Spider-Man isn’t exactly the luckiest guy when it comes to relationships but have you ever wondered what would have happened if his life had turned out differently?

Peter Parker is a very young and brilliant man who has some of the most amazing powers. But as his uncle once said “With great power comes great responsibilities” and despite those great responsibilities and powers, Peter is still only a human being. The greater good has often overweighed his own personal interests and therefore as Spider-Man he has great connections with everyone, but that’s not the case with Peter Parker.


Peter has an unfortunate destiny for his connections with others especially his love interests. His first love, Gwen Stacy, died giving a painful ending to the love story of the cute couple. However, her death motivated Peter to become an even more dedicated superhero and also led Peter to meet up with Mary Jane Watson who went on to become the love of Peter’s life. Till date, the fans like to argue who would have been a better match for Peter in case Gwen was still alive by some miracle. But when this miracle actually happened it turned out to be more of a boon than a blessing.

The True Desires Of Spider-Man’s Heart

Gwen Stacy or Mary Jane, who would Peter chose? This is one question that was answered in the House of M universe. The House of M was a storyline where Marvel Superhero Scarlet Witch suffered a mental breakdown after losing her children. Breaking down in grief she tries to alter the fabric of reality to recreate her lost children. This alternate reality briefly replaced the original reality and along with Scarlet Witch, all the other Marvel characters had their deepest desires fulfilled and turned into reality.

Peter too had his deepest desire turned into reality and as it turns out, he wished for Gwen Stacy to come back to life and started a family with her. So in conclusion, he chose Gwen over MJ, however when he learns that he is living in a fabricated world, he loses his mind and becomes the Green Goblin, his sworn enemy.

Spiderman Marvel Comics
Spider-Man A Toxic Lover

Spider-Man: A Toxic Lover

What if? Spider-Man: House of M event recreates a similar scene where Gwen Stacy returns from the House of M universe along with their son, Richie. Insecure MJ fears for her relationship with Peter and things turn out just the way she feared. Burdened by so many responsibilities, Peter loses his mind like his House of M counterpart and turns into the Green Goblin once more. After taking MJ to a deserted area, he webs her to a wall and reveals that the House of M reality with Gwen was the happiest time of his life and he then suits up as the Green Goblin.

He also reveals that he is going to have to kill her in order to free himself from that burden, and preps his glider to kill MJ. However, moments before her death, Peter comes to his senses and jumps in and saves her only to end up dying himself. Moments before his death he tells her that he will always love her. Now, this ending makes it somewhat a paradox, without finally answering who was a better partner for Peter. Choosing between the two made him go crazy, just like any other person would if faced with a similar situation. This leads us to remember the old saying, “Some Questions Are Better Left Unanswered”.