Invincible Season 2 Predictions

Invincible Season 2 Predictions And Spoilers

The first season of Amazon’s 18+ rated animated superhero show ‘Invincible’ just finished its run with Nolan Grayson aka Omni-Man beating his son Mark Grayson aka Invincible to a bloody pulp. The show was well-received by critics and audiences alike so much so that soon after the release of episode 8 aka the last episode of the first season, Amazon announced a second and third season of the show.

Invincible Season 2
Invincible Season 2

Robert Kirkman, the co-creator of Invincible, recently stated in an interview that he wants to make the entire comic book series into the animated superhero gore-fest all the way up to season 7. Given the amount of cult following the show has amassed in such a short span; it seems we have a new Game Of Thrones on our hands. The ending of episode 8 teased a lot of what is to come.  Since the complete story is already out in the Invincible comic books, we can safely postulate how season 2 is about to go down.


These green alien invaders showed up in the first season only to have Omni-Man lay waste to their home planet. At the end of episode 8, they are seen stabbing the screen with a picture of planet Earth and a bearded Omni-Man’s face on it, so their revenge is inevitable. In the comics, it is revealed that since his attacks, they are very much terrified of him and have been rebuilding their civilization.

Flaxans Invincible Season 2
Invincible Season 2


The Sequids are still out there in the galaxy. After humanity travelled to the neighboring planet Mars, one of the Sequids managed to take over an astronaut called Rus Livingston. In the comics, it is revealed that a native Martian has shape-shifted into him and taken his place on earth. He adopts a superhero called Shapesmith.  Later on, he even joins the Guardians of the Globe and reveals the history of the Sequids. The Sequids have taken over Mars after finding the human host but since the Sequids are unable to attach themselves to the Martians due to their shape-shifting abilities, they instead enslaved the Martians and plan on taking over Earth.

Invincible Season 2

The members of the new Guardians of the Globe who are capable enough to resist the parasitic bond of the Sequid travel into space to halt their invasion. The Sequids’ plan is foiled and they are defeated. However, the Martians still want to execute Shapesmith for his crimes, and thus Invincible and his team ends up playing with him much like how he did with the astronauts on Mars.

Doc Seismic’s Fate

In flashes of the show, Doc Seismic was revealed to be alive.  In the comics, it is revealed that he has been laying low in the Earth’s core where he is worshipped as a god by a society of beings of lava called Magmanites. In a twist, Doc Seismic reveals that he is actually glad that he fell into the lava during their first confrontation. Doc Seismic explains to Invincible that how he was viewed as lowly villain on the surface, but beneath the surface he is revered as a deity and he quite like it. Before departing, Mark gives him a parting gift: Invincible Punch.

Doc Seismic’s Fate Invincible Season 2
Invincible Season 2


Titan is fully set up as a crime-boss at the ends of season 1. Through his machinations, he was able to manipulate Invincible to help him seize the mafia throne and it’s obvious that the two are set on a collision course since then. At the end of the final episode of season 1, Mister Liu is seen entering Titan’s office. In the comics, it’s revealed that Mister Liu and Titan are engaged in a gang war in a power struggle. Mister Liu with his group called the Order has been vying for control over criminal activities across the country. Later in the comics, Invincible ends up defeating Mister Liu.

Titan Invincible
Invincible Season 2

Cecil’s Schemes

At the end of episode 8, DA Sinclair was shown working on an army of new versions of Reanimen under Cecil’s supervision. Later in the comics, Cecil becomes weary of Mark as he deems him reckless and out of control because of Mark’s constant disobedience. Since Omni-Man’s betrayal, Cecil had been working on contingencies to avoid another similar situation. He discovered a weakness in Viltrumites; they can be hurt by a very high frequency sound that only their ears are able to perceive. He exploits this weakness to take out Mark before he unleashes his Reanimen to attack him.

Invincible Season 2 Spoilers
Invincible Season 2

Battle Beast

When we last saw Battle Beast, he single-handedly mopped the floor with Guardians of the Globe. In the comics, he is shown to have been captured and imprisoned before being set free by Allen the Alien freed to have him join the forces of the “Coalition” who are trying to end the Viltrumite threat in the galaxy.

Invincible Season 2

Science Dog / Séance Dog Deception

In the comics, Science Dog changed to Séance Dog in the show, visits Mark Grayson, and asks for his help. They travel across the vast expanse of space to an alien world. It is revealed that the Science “Dog” is actually wearing a dog costume and that he is really an insect-like alien. In a further twist, it is revealed that he was sent by Mark’s father, Nolan, who is now ruling over this alien world. After abandoning his mission to take over the planet Earth, he started another family as he foretold at the end of season 1.

Invincible Updates for Season 2
Invincible Season 2

After a sweet reunion between an abusive father and an abandoned son, Nolan shows Mark his other son. He also informs him that the Viltrumites are coming to the planet to kill Nolan and he needs Mark’s help to take them down. That would explain the circle of life from Nolan pummeling his son to death by end of the first season to Mark working along with his father to save his life by the end of the second.

Have you seen the first season of Invincible? Have you read the comics? For more on Invincible, make sure to check our website.

The firstborn of house Kamikaze, the first of his name, lover of fiction, reader of books, reviewer of movies, knower of nothing, serial escapist.