Wonder Woman Comics

Wonder Woman Now Officially Has The Power Of Flight

The cat is out of the bag and now it’s official, Wonder Woman can fly!

Wonder Woman is one of the most powerful beings in the DC universe. She possesses a lot of amazing abilities and powers in her arsenal that she has demonstrated from time to time. She possesses god-like strength, enhanced speed, supreme combat skills, durability, and bulletproof skin. However, one particular ability of hers has always been a part of controversies because of her portrayal over the years. “Wonder Woman’s power of Flight” has always been a topic of discussion for fans because of all the alterations it has sustained.

Wonder Woman Can Fly Now

The ability to fly sure comes in handy when it comes to battling villains as it contributes to improving the speed and agility of the user. As amazing and powerful as Wonder Woman may be, the ability to fly is something that every superhero can use. Her flight powers have always been at the mercy of the artists involved in the development of her story, however, the new era of DC Universe has confirmed that Wonder Woman indeed possesses the ability to fly.

The Root Of The Problem

The uncertainty about Wonder Woman’s abilities aroused because of the artists’ initiative to change her origins over the numerous iterations of her character. Initially, Wonder Woman was depicted as a being who was bought to life by the Gods using a lifeless clay mold, it was only until later when she was started to be portrayed as a goddess herself. These changing origins have led to her powers being changes too, although she possesses almost the same abilities, whether or not she can fly became a question. There have been instances when she is witnesses to be flying in the sky on her own, but there have also been times when she uses her Invisible Jet to fly or simply leap over buildings as a result of her insane strength. Luckily, the latest iteration of her story has put an end to the discussion once and for all.

Wonder Woman Will Fly

Wonder Woman Admits That She Can Fly

Wonder Woman #772, written by Becky Cloonan and Michael Conrad with art by Paulina Ganucheau and Travis Moore, gave a surprising turn to Wonder Woman’s story as she loses all knowledge about herself because of amnesia. Fortunately, after hearing the name of her superhero self, i.e. Wonder Woman”, she regains all of her memories and starts to use her powers again. As she soars in the sky accompanied by Thor, there is not a bit of shock on her face, unlike Thor was unaware of this ability of hers.

Wonder Woman DCEU

He states “By Tyre’s belly, you can fly?! What are you?” to which Diana replies, “I’ll have time to figure that out after we resolve the issues at hand.” This wouldn’t be the first time that Wonder Woman displayed her flight abilities, as she has been seen flying in the Justice League animated series and in the DC animated universe. in live-action projects too, she can fly as seen in Wonder Woman 1984 during her fight with Cheetah. Her flight ability would likely continue  to exist in the times to come and would surely come in handy as she takes up the fight against new arising threats