Wonder Woman Discovered Thor's Weakness

Wonder Woman Just Discovered Thor’s Greatest Weakness

In Wonder Woman’s latest adventures, she learns about a hero who could easily defeat Marvel’s Thor

Thor is one of the strongest superheroes from the Marvel universe. As the God of Thunder, Thor is among the heavy hitters from the Avengers and can easily take down any foe without using the full extent of their power. When it come to battle, he has thousands of years of combat experience and doesn’t have any particular weaknesses. However, the glory days of the Mighty Thor are in danger as Wonder Woman just came across a hero from the DC universe who can defeat Thor without putting in much effort. As we know that in Wonder Woman’s quest to regain her, her story has dived deep into the Norse mythology and because of that she has stumbled upon various Norse deities like Thor, Odin and Siegfried- the legendary dragon slayer, and that’s how she learned about how Thor can easily be defeated by DC’s dark hero, Swamp Thing.

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman’s Shocking Discovery

Wonder Woman’s quest of regaining her complete memories continue in Wonder Woman #772 by Michael W Conrad, Becky Cloonan, and Travis Moore. During her quest, she receives the help of the Hero from the afterlife, “Deadman”, who restores some of her memories. Deadman also informs Diana that Ragnarok cannot be stopped and her efforts are in vain as he goes on to explain to her the root cause of the problem. He explains that the Parliament of Trees (a collective conscience of Plant Elementals in the DC universe) has decided that its time for the World Tree, “Yggdrasil” to die. Since the Parliament of Trees exercise power over all the vegetation across the universe, it can surely cause Yggdrasil to die. As the current Plant Elemental, DC’s Swamp thing is the one who can pull the plug on the Asgardians whenever he wishes to.

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Swamp Thing’s Power Over Thor

DC’s Guardian of The Green, the Swamp Thing is a peculiar superhero who works to protect not the humans directly but his precious vegetation all over the Earth. This means that when faced with the choice between the lives of people and the lives of plants, Swamp Thing will choose plants without hesitation. A similar scenario is seen in Wonder Woman #772, where Swamp Thing and the Parliament of Trees have decided to exterminate the Asgardians in order to save nature.

A reunion between Thor and Mjolnir

Deadman explained that Yggdrasil is an elder tree that has survived longer than most of the trees and if it is dying, it was because of the will of The Parliament of Trees. Since each and every Asgardian is connected to Yggdrasil, they would also die as a result of its death. Since Swamp Thing, as the current Plant Elemental, exercises power over the World Tree, he can simply make the tree die, should the two ever fought each other, which would in turn kill Thor. This certainly gives Swamp Thing an upper hand over Thor and Wonder Woman has to do something fast if she wishes to save her Norse deity friends.