Young Sheldon Season 4 Unanswered Questions

The Unanswered Questions Of Young Sheldon Season 4 Revealed

Every time a series ends on a cliffhanger, it leaves you with a lot of unanswered questions. It leaves the makers the opportunity for another season but the fans, are the ones who have to wait and get brain fried with all sorts of possibilities, then you also have spoilers and it irritates you more. One such show is coming up with another season very soon in “Young Sheldon”.

Young Sheldon Season 5 CBS
Young Sheldon Season 4

Its last season (season 4) actually left a couple (or more) questions for us to boggle our brains with. One very obvious one is about George’s future, but what’s going to happen with the other Coopers is still unclear.

Young Sheldon Season 4: Plot Till Now

While the show started with Missy’s first romantic problems, it soon becomes more than that. While she and Sheldon were trying to solve their issues in an unused cabin, their parents are having a very heated discussion (more of a final showdown) at home and it might have caused unmanageable problems in their marriage. Towards the end, their fight couldn’t be resolved and both go their different ways to wrap their head around what just happened. While Mary locks herself in a room, George heads off towards a bar where he meets their neighbor Brenda Sparks. And that’s it…..that is where it ended.

Before the ‘Big Bang Theory’ prequel’s last season even ended, CBS already announced a 3-year renewal of the show. And that gives the makers the ample amount of opportunities and multiple plots they could explore knowing that the show would be going on for a long time.

Young Sheldon Season 5
Young Sheldon Season 4


Some very important questions which were left unanswered at the end of season 4 are mentioned here.

  1. Will George betray Mary with Brenda?
George betray Mary Young Sheldon
Young Sheldon Season 4

The biggest revelation fans are waiting for in season 5 is whether or not, George and Brenda get together. At the end of season 4, George and Mary had a pretty heated conversation where George reveals that he’s unhappy about his life at present and how he had to sacrifice so much for her and family-like living in Medford and across Meemaw’s house.

Later that night, he went to a bar and met Brenda (their single neighbor) there and she consoled and comforted him. And that’s where the season ended. So that obviously makes you wonder whether these 2 will get together or not. In the ‘Big Bang Theory’ though, Sheldon had once revealed that George cheated on his mother, so the bigger question is whether it’s Brenda or not? Well, we’ll find that out in season 5 now.

  • Will Dr. Sturgis return to East Texas Tech?
Dr. Sturgis Returns Young Sheldon
Young Sheldon Season 4

One of the most prominent reasons why Mary accepted for Sheldon to go to college was that his mentor Dr. Sturgis will be there. But then comes a twist, when Dr. Sturgis left the college to work on his dream job i.e. building a supercollider in Waxahachie, Texas and so Sheldon then has to work on building a new relationship with Dr. Linkletter. Although midway, Dr. Sturgis was fired and had to leave his job but he doesn’t return to East Texas Tech and rather works in a local supermarket. For now, he’ll continue working there but it’s definitely a possibility that he might return to East Texas Tech because that’ll also him and Sheldon to spend a lot more time together.

  • Will Dr. Sturgis and Meemaw get back together?
Dr Sturgis Romance

With so much going around, fans are also speculating that they might see Meemaw and Dr. Sturgis getting back together. They parted ways and then Meemaw started dating Dale but they always remained in touch (even when he was busy building the supercollider). Clearly they still have feelings for each other and care about each other, so it definitely raises this question of them getting back together. But for that we’ll have to wait and watch Young Sheldon season 5.

  • How will Mary be with George after his big revelation?
Mary and George's Relationship
Young Sheldon Season 4

After the heated struggle between Mary and George where he ends up revealing that he isn’t happy, we haven’t got a reaction from Mary as she locks herself in a room. Though Mary did acknowledge that she’s being insensitive towards her husband but since the season ended with their issue being unresolved so it’s still not clear what will be her take on that. Whether she’ll accept her fault and start being empathetic towards George or will she ignore it? Well, that’s to be answered in season 5.

  • Will we see more off the ‘Big Bang Theory’ stars?
The Big Bang Theory Cast
Young Sheldon Season 4

The only character from the ‘The Big Bang Theory’ lore that has appeared in Young Sheldon till now is Amy. Young Sheldon season 4’s premiere featured her voice while narrating sections of Adult Sheldon. Her participation was tied to the revelation that the couple will have a son named “Leonard Cooper” after his favorite ‘Star Trek character ‘Leonard Nimoy’ and his best friend ‘Leonard Hofstadter’. Previously, Penny too voiced in the water pool during Sheldon’s dream but she still hasn’t appeared on the show so it’ll be interesting to see if she makes an appearance.