The Digimon Reboot Update

The Digimon Reboot Is About To Do Something The Original Series Never Did

Digimon Adventure, a reboot of the classic series, is actually great in fact it’s pretty much everything you could want from a reboot.

 Spoiler Alert: The following contains spoilers for episode 52 of Digimon Adventure 2020, “Dance of the Heavens, Hououmon,” now streaming on Crunchyroll.

Inspired by the 1999 anime TV series by the same name, Digimon Adventure, which was a beloved part of many anime fans’ childhoods. But let’s face it some reboots just aren’t that great, unlike Hunter x Hunter, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, and many more. But some fans just prefer to stick with the original for a reason. But Digimon Adventure makes the series feel fresh and exciting while still being great for a long time. It doesn’t give us an exact replica of the first Digimon Adventure that takes a while to set up the main cast, rather dumping them all in the same summer camp at the start.

The Digimon Reboot

Digimon Adventure Anime

In the 1999 original Digimon Adventure anime, Agumon and Gabumon were the only two of the main cast’s Digimon to reach Mega evolution. Whereas in various movies and games the rest of the main Digimon eventually reached Mega level, disappointing many fans that they never achieved these forms in the main story. But in the reboot series, Digimon Adventures 202 that is about to change.

In Episode 50, we see that HolyAngemon and Angewomon evolved into their extremely powerful Mega forms, Goddramon and Holydramon. Even in the original series, the angel Digimon was secondary only to Agumon and Gabumon in importance, but they were still unable to achieve Mega Evolution during their original adventure. In Episode 52 of the reboot, Piyomon/Biyomon has become the next member of the cast to unlock their most powerful form, evolving into Hououmon in order to stop an exploding volcano. In the Episode, the crest of Love activities, allowing Garudamon to evolve when she and Sora, who had a fight earlier in the episode, come back together and reaffirm their bond with each other.

Digimon Adventure Anime

With this development in Digimon Adventure (2020), it’s almost certain that Tentomon, Gomamon, and Palmon will reach their Mega evolutions in the episodes to come. Most likely, Tentomon might become HerculesKabuterimon, Palmon might become Rosemon and Gomamon could be either Vikemon or Plesiomon, Vikemon was used as Gomamon’s official Mega Evolution in Digimon Adventure tri., but Plesiomon was used in multiple spinoff games, and the reboot hasn’t been afraid to play around with the main cast’s established official evolutions so far. In fact, tri. Previously used Seraphimon and Ophanimon as Patamon and Tailmon’s Mega forms, and the reboot’s version of Agumon has Mega evolved into both WarGreymon and BlitzGreymon, so while it’s likely that Tentomon, Gomamon, and Palmon will have the same Mega forms that they did in tri., nothing is certain.

Digimon Update

For long-time Digimon fans, seeing these forms in the anime will be a big deal. The original Adventure prioritized Agumon and Gabumon when it came to powerups, and while that is still true to an extent in the reboot, giving the other Digimon their own Mega forms puts them on more equal footing as members of the main cast. Plus, as Pegasmon, Ponchomon, and BlitzGreymon have demonstrated, there’s potential for any Digimon to have multiple options for evolution, so their fans can continue looking forward to seeing what they might become next.

Hello! I am Shalaka Yerkade, an engineering student. I am an admirer of MCU and love reading books. Currently, I am exploring myself with writing and many more things. As a fledgling writer, I am learning how amazing it is to be able to write down one's thoughts and ideas. I believe my purpose in writing is to make people fall in love with reading.