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Marvel Just Rewrote the Whole Multiverse of Spider-Man

The Spider-Man world is about to be completely altered as Marvel makes it clear that Peter Parker was never the Spider-most Verse’s significant hero.

In Spider-Man: End of the Spider-Verse #6, a significant revelation causes the Multiverse focused on Marvel’s web-shooting hero to collapse. In reality, Silk is “the chosen one”; Peter Parker was never “the chosen one.” Shortly after learning that Silk is the “Queen of Spiders,” Silk rewrites Spider-Verse.

Spider-Man: End of the Spider-Verse #6 by Dan Slott, Mark Bagley, John Dell, and Edgar Delgado continues the multiverse’s spider-hero team’s frantic struggle against Shathra, the Elder Goddess and wasp totem who is reclaiming the Web of Life and Destiny, the Spider-founding Verse’s principle, and rebuilding it in her likeness. As all hope seems lost, Cindy Moon, aka Silk, learns that the heroes’ discovery of an old ritual blade has the ability to free the Spider Totems Morlun had swallowed. After Silk cuts the energy vampire in half, the million Spider Totems he devoured are released, and they begin to do their holy job of rebuilding the Web of Life and Destiny and eradicating Shathra’s evil influence. Yet, the multiverse will suffer significantly due to Silk’s choice.

Silk May Have Just Ruined The Spider-Verse in an Effort To Rescue It.


Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos collaborated on the creation of the Korean American superheroine Silk. Cindy Moon had the same radioactive spider bite as Peter Parker, but she was forced to spend more than a decade hiding out in a bunker to avoid Morlun. Cindy went on to develop into a full-fledged spider hero once Peter discovered her existence and released her. Cindy took on a significant role as “the Bride,” one of the most significant Spider Totems, during the inaugural Spider-Verse event. But suddenly everything changed.

The discovery that Cindy is “the Queen” of spiders rather than “the Bride” fundamentally alters Spider-entire Man’s worldview. The main goal of the End of the Spider-Verse event is to prove that Peter Parker is not “the chosen one,” the most significant Spider Totem. The cosmos simply changed shape after Shathra’s Totem Dagger struck the Peter Parker of Earth-616, “erasing” him from the Web of Life and Destiny. Peter Parker is no longer Spider-Man in this alternate universe; instead, Silk fills Peter Parker’s place as the guardian and hero. As the Queen, Cindy is the most significant Spider Totem of them, which is why she was able to utilize the Totem Dagger to release the essences of the other Totems from Morlun.

The true “Chosen One” of the Spider-Verse is Silk.

If this amazing revelation wasn’t enough, Silk’s efforts have also brought about a multiverse-wide transformation that is having an impact on the Spider-Verse as a whole. While the effects are yet unknown, it’s likely that the freed Spider-Totems are starting over and reconstructing the Web from scratch after Shathra entirely ruined it. This would result in a brand-new reality, or “a complete reset,” as Spider-Girl puts it. The fact that this event is named End of the Spider-Verse suggests that Spider-whole Man’s multiverse will be altered as a result of Silk’s deeds. Spider-Man: End of the Spider-Verse #6 is available now from Marvel Comics.