
Will Wonder Woman 1984 Have Better Villains, Unlike Ares?

Ares has suffered a lot of problems in 2017’s Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman 1984 is working on those loopholes that the original movie has faced. Wonder Woman is a highly acclaimed and considerable movie of the DCEU franchise.

As Amazonian Princess, Gal Godot‘s solo adventure was praised by the viewers for the impassioned performances and extraordinary visuals. It was the villain in Wonder Woman that had left a room for improvement.

Ares in Wonder Woman:

Ares is only for the sake of presence in Wonder Woman that is considered as a transcendental force that only Diana speculated to exist. But Ares does not present physically until the final act of the movie. Ares keeps on hiding as Sir Patrik Morgan who is Steve’s superior on the allied warfare cabinet. He pretends to look for unity while conspiring devastation and demise in the Great War. 


Till the last minute of the movie, there is a lot to expose. It was not extended before the villain got on the path of multiple superhero villains of the film. Ares did not have a real physical presence in the majority of the plot of Wonder Woman. He demonstrated to be an anti dramatic foe for Diana. It seems as if Diana’s presence is better looked after. And the villains and their portrayal of the minor task.

Villains in Wonder Woman 1984

Villains in Wonder Woman 1984 (releasing in August 2020) will be played by using different rules. Different from Ares, Kristen Wiig’s Cheetah and Pedro Pascal’s Maxwell Lord has been declared in and incorporated into the marketing movement of the film’s sequel. Even though Cheetah has to properly exhibit her animalistic form but then Wiig’s Barbara Ann Minerva has been afforded a powerful existence.

Wonder Woman failed to develop Ares as a villain. It is also assumed that Wonder Woman 1984 will have powerful bad villains. 

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