Captain America Doctor Strange & Black Widow

Can Captain America be Seen with Doctor Strange or Black Widow?

Hypothetically, Steve Rogers’ time has come to an end in the Marvel Cinematic Universe after he has killed Thanos in Avengers: Endgame. But it seems as if his character can still revive. The character of Steve Rogers i.n. Captain America is played by Chris Evans from 2011 till 2019. Nothing is still finalized in the franchise.

Captain America & Red Skull

Captain America: The First Avenger has introduced Chris Evans in MCU’s phase 1. He has transformed into Captain America before he faces off with Red Skull. He has protected the world but has concealed himself for 70years in the Arctic. Then the character of Captain America has returned again in 9 more movies by MCU where he has performed solo and cameos.

Chris Evans contract has come to an end with Avengers: Endgame. But Chris himself does not want to leave MCU in the future. There are rumors that he has been discussing a return in the main role, but only can time tell if he returns with the same role or change in character. Evans can return in phase 4 maybe with the help of flashbacks and archive footages.

Return of Steve Rogers With MCU in Phase 4

Steve Rogers Captain America Marvel Phase 4

There is a list of TV shows and movies of phase 4 where Chris can mark his return. “The Falcon And The Winter Soldier” tops the list. In Endgame, Chris says goodbye and hands over the shield to Sam Wilson i.e. Falcon. Falcon having the responsibility of being a Captain America will be the leading emphasis of the forthcoming times. It is possible that Chis can return as an aged Steve in the series that is delayed on Disney Plus. It is expected that the series could get a release in August 2020.

Doctor Strange” in the Multiverse of Madness is anticipated to underline various proportions that could initiate alternate versions of well-known characters. The Doctor Strange sequel is expected to launch in November 2021, after two years of Endgame. It would possibly bring a ton of persuading on Marvel‘s side to bring Evans back.

Steve Rogers Marvel Phase 4

Black Widow“, which was planned to get released in May, has been postponed due to Coronavirus Pandemic. The release has been shifted to November. The movie would bring Avengers where Steve can also mark his return.

Steve Rogers‘ return is surviving the hopes of his fans.

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