X-Men and Jet

What helps X-Men to win every Mission?

It is often found that in almost every movie of Marvel Studios, X-Men does the work as a team. When working as a team their abilities and skills improve as all powers support each other together in a direction. The most amazing team in the comic world is formed when each member boosts the powers of another. But one mate is often forgotten when it comes to working together as a team, this mate is not actually a character but a jet. The X-Men uses this Jet in every mission they undertake. Its named-The Blackbird. In Uncanny X-Men #154, this Jet when worked in conjunction with the Cyclops, became the strongest weapon

The Blackbird is a crucial member of the X-Men team and is often referred to as the X-Jet. It resembles the Lockheed SR-71 spy plane. However, The Blackbird is a much larger and improved version and can take off and land, vertically. X-Jet can reach hypersonic speeds and is therefore used by X-Men time and again. It has been destroyed and rebuilt several times.

Combination of Blackbird and Cyclops:

So how exactly does this combination of Cyclops and Blackbird gives the best of the results when used together. It is because tempering is done with the Blackbird and exact same material is added which is already present in Cyclop’s visor, which is a windshield that is infused with specialized ruby quartz. The windshield behaves like a magnifying glass to a ray of sunlight which further increases the potency of the blast.

Cyclops X-Men

In Uncanny X-Men #154, When Cyclops and Storm tried to escape an alien Sidrian attack this combination wad used. Cyclops tried and tested out the Blackbird over the East River. Cyclops avoided all attacks that Sidri did by firing a laser at the ship. And as it wasn’t safe to use the principal weapons around the civilians, Cyclops plans to test something that would lead to a more controlled attack. The ship fired back his optic blasts and finally slowed down the Sidri attack and it drifted the battle in their favor.

 X-Men: Dark Phoenix:

Honestly, X-Men: Dark Phoenix didn’t do well among all other X-Men movies. But the amazing weapon-Blackbird altered the story drastically. Cyclops was asked to keep his powers shut as X-Men left to begin a mission in space as he received some disturbing signals from the Space Shuttle Endeavor.

Dark Phoenix

The movie might have done much better by exhibiting the power of the ship and how it suddenly increases it. And X-Jet and Cyclops combo should have happened more often. The movie was just near to impressive.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.