Mary Jane Watson as Spider Woman Comic

Who is Marvel’s next SPIDERMAN?

Peter Parker was almost convinced to make Mary Jane Watson the next spiderman. The first major Spiderman crossover event was launched by writer Dan Slott. It was the first since “Maximum Carnage”. New Yorkers were seen creating Spider-Powers in Spider-Island but sadly they soon began to evolve into gruesome arachnid beings. 

Mary Jane Spider Woman

Everyone celebrated their newly-found super-powers in the early phase of the Spider-epidemic. According to Reed Richards, Mary Jane Watson was one of the last to gain spider-man powers. It was certainly because of her long sexual relationship with Spiderman. It was at the last moment that her powers appeared as she was being threatened by a swarm of Spider-creatures. This forced Mary Jane to sway to Spiderman’s rescue. They eventually ended the threat by distributing the cure across the city. 

Spider Woman Mary Jane

Peter Parker was offered an opportunity in the aftermath of Spider-Island by fate to quit as Spiderman. And that Mary Jane would replace him. Mary Jane was successful in getting separated from the swarm of spiders and therefore she saved her powers as well as New York. When only a last drop of the cure was left, Madame Web popped up to Spiderman and told him that it was his last chance to live a normal and happy life.

For saving the tapestry of destiny, fate is offering you a reward,” she said. “An out, Peter. If you want, you can use that vial you have tucked away in your belt… and cure yourself. If you want, you can stop. The web will reweave itself, and another Spiderman will take your place.

The issue made it clear that By Spiderman’s clone Kaine they meant to refer Mary Jane who was celebrating her newly-found powers. 

Spiderman-a Curse or Blessing?

Spiderman a Curse or Blessing

Spiderman had many times appeared as a curse for Peter Parker. It had complicated his life in so many ways. But eventually, he realized in Spider-Island that the powers he had are a kind of gift. He had seen many times how many people had those powers and how some of them used for a good cause and others for an evil one. He for the very first time realized that Spiderman was the result of the decisions he made in the past and he just couldn’t refuse it like that. 

Is Spiderman Leaving MCU?

Rather, Peter used the last drop of the sample of the cure for Mary Jane. Peter asked her “You wanna turn into a big, hairy spider“.

Spiderwoman Spiderman

And he never thought that this could have happened. Mary Jane’s resistance to mutation had outreached a natural limit. In reality, Spiderman never wanted to bring the love of his life into the superhero life this way. Therefore, he refused Fate’s offer and went on to inject Mary Jane with the cure. This could certainly be not so happy ending for many. As many wanted to see the beautiful Mary Jane as the new amazing superhero.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.