Battmobile and Batman Comics

BATMAN revealed-why he calls his car BATMOBILE?

While Batmobile has experienced notable changes over the years, the car has persisted as an essential part of Batman’s time as a superhero. The explanation might seem apparent, but why is the car called the Batmobile? And the answer is – its Batman’s goddam wish!

Batmobile Batman and Robin

The debut of The Batmobile happened in Detective Comics #27 along with Caped Crusader. It has advanced over the years from a simple car to a bat-themed black vehicle to an ultimate technologically improved armored car. Not only the car but also Batman’s look and features have extended from excited and silly to skillful and frightening. The most trusted Batman’s vehicle has evolved and is still called the Batmobile. But it shouldn’t be questioned in front of Batman!

Batman Movies incomplete without Batmobile

Batman Robert Pattinson

One of the most estranging comics ever made is All-Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder. As its completely inconsistent that how the characters and series portrayal have always been. In the series, he is brutal, savage, harsh, and selfish. However, being a superhero Batman is not liked by all. In addition to all his nuisance behavior, Batman has always had some groanworthy one-liners. Batman after having sex with Black Canary he asked her a ride home in his Batmobile. Confused after hearing “Batmobile”. Canary said “Batmobile”? To this Batman responded, “not one word. I’ve taken enough grief about calling my goddamn car the goddamn Batmobile.”

How did Canary react to Batman’s explanation?

Batman and Batmobile Comic

Batman then explained to Canary why he calls it a Batmobile. He said, “I’m the goddamn Batman and I can call my goddamn car whatever the hell I want to call it. “After listening to him patiently, Canary said, “whatever you say, man of mine. That’s just a totally queer name for a car, is all.”

It seemed that Batman wanted Canary to understand that he can call his bike whatever he wants. It doesn’t matter much what others think of the name. He chose the name Batmobile because it made sense to him and felt it to be a part of him. He said, “I’m Batman, and I like naming things after bats.”

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.