Darkseid Snyder Cut Entertainment

Revision Mechanism of Darkseid

Darkseid Revision Mechanism, Darkseid is initiating his biggest of proposals and only one member of the Justice League and Justice League’s unlikely allies are standing in his direction. Dan Abnett’s Justice League Odyssey has shown the uneven saga of Darkseid’s retrieval where the enormous villains have turned to heroes like Starfire, Cyborg, and Azrael.

Influential troops are assembling against Darkseid. The most powerful is Epoch, who worries that the universe faces many cessation level threats. There is something that he has been unable to identify at this point. Epoch has designed what he names “Revision Mechanism” that is an equipment that provides him detailed proficiency of the progression of the time. He aims to utilize it to edit past records and eliminate Darkseid and his class from the timeline.

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DC Comics has barely circulated a digital manuscript of Dan Abnett and Cliff Richards’ Justice League Odyssey #20. It discloses the mere hierarchy of Darkseid’s intention. The retired emperor of Apokolips is familiar with Epoch’s technique and policies. Thus, he has agreed to use it to his own benefit. 

Darkseid has authorized Epoch to propose his “Revision Mechanism” to a near-completion point. Now he has come with all his forces and power, in order to contend the Revision Mechanism for himself.

Darkseid Strives to Rewrite History

The risks have precisely never been elevated this much. If Darkseid successfully amasses the Revision Mechanism, he will be rewriting history so that all the time and space would reach under his sovereignty. 


The only member of the Justice League, Jessica Cruz is prevailing against him. She is benefited by a few sceptical supporters such as the ruthless sister of Starfire, Blackfire. She learns the idea of the “Revision Mechanism” distressing because it isn’t possible to comprehend past narrative well to alter it safely. 

Unfortunately, with Darkseid and his troops progressing, the Revision Mechanism could be heaven’s ultimate desire and the greatest danger.

Luckily, Jessica Cruz is one of the vastly influential Green Lanterns ever to assemble with the Corps. Darkseid aspired to kill her. But, Jessica’s Green Lantern ring consumed the power of his Omega shafts. Ultimately, Jessica rambles the power of a Green Lantern as well as of Darkseid himself. She knows what it takes to save the day.

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