Can Mutant X-Men Cure Cancer Comics

Can Mutant X-Men Cure Cancer?

X-Men Cure Cancer, The X-Men had faced a lot. In Mystique’s solo series from the middle of the 2000s, it was disclosed that her shape-shifting proficiency appears about. And this is because of her unusual cell structure. Mystique’s cells reproduced the integrity of stem cells. This made them highly flexible. This was played in the Days of Future Past movie as well. When it was Mystique’s DNA that enabled Trask to make his developed Sentinel robots. 

In the future, they would be resourceful and adaptable to any assault. They could resist even the most devastating strengths tossed at them by the X-Men. If Mystique’s cells could be modified to overcome an attack from Sunspot and Iceman, and if they can replicate the abilities of others, they should furthermore be eligible to modify cancer cells.

Can Mutant X-Men Cure Cancer 1 Comics

Even without being tied to Beast’s mind, Elixir should probably be qualified to work with Beast, like Sage. In order to pertain his skill in a way that advances the ill and cures disease. He can even put up the dead.

 Altogether, Mystique and Elixir exemplify two different and equally encouraging kinds to deal a significant health hazard like cancer. Elixir should be competent to use his ability to withstand it on an individual source. Mystique’s genetics could be pertained on a grand scale as a probable medication for multiple people around the world.

Even though Mystique’s probable remedial capacity is mostly speculative, it does appear to have potential. Elixir has been straight up indicated to possess the proficiency to cure substantial disease. He is able to affect tumors wielding his proficiency offensively. Removing them likewise would be just as easy.

X-Men Lack Skills To Cure The cancer

Can Mutant X-Men Cure Cancer 2 Comics

The apparent explanation for why the X-Men have not used their abilities to cure the disease, may be because they don’t want to. It would be easy to have Mystique having his point of view. A mutant whose strengths help her conceal her true self to prevent persecution by humanity probably won will not  go out of her way to boost humanity.

According to Elixir, he is just a man whose powers work only when he is in close vicinity to those he is working on. But he can’t just go across the world to cure the disease.

Mutants have a cure for cancer. But the skill that is needed to make is work could endanger the mutant kind. 

Hey, My name is Lata Bhardwaj. I use Samsy as my pen name. I am a Research Scholar (English) from India, who loves interacting with people. My journey while pursuing a PhD is leading ways towards a beautiful life. I have been writing since long as I love writing. I hope my articles are making you talk for some time.