Why Super Saiyan Transformation Sucks Comics

Why Super Saiyan Transformation Sucks?

We will, here, try to explain, Why Super Saiyan transformation sucks?

Before moving ahead, a spoiler warning is now in effect as we will diving into the Dragon Ball franchise. Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super to be exact. Now that you have been warned let’s take a look at the reason why I am felt Super Saiyan transformation suck in today’s time.

Super Saiyan Legendary Dragon Ball

A Super Saiyan is a legendary transformation that a Saiyan undergoes which is unlocked through rage and determination. Or should I say it ‘was’ a transformation awakened by rage? Because in today’s time it’s just a tingly feeling on the back. Yes, the legendary warrior awakened by rage is just a tingly feeling in the back now.

Why Does The Transformation Suck?

Goku Dragon Ball

Now let’s come to the point as Why the Super Saiyan transformation sucks. To search for the correct reason, I will have to take you back to the streets of Japan in 1991. The first time when this Legendary Transformation hit the public eye in the form of Manga. The chapter in which it was shown, portrayed our protagonist Goku, a Saiyan turn Super Saiyan when his best friend was killed by his arch-nemesis Frieza. Frieza was scared of this legend as he thought that would be his demise and unconsciously, he pushed his greatest foe to this legend by driving him to a point where the Dam that was holding his rage all along broke.

Super Saiyan Dragon Ball

Now that transformation served a purpose, it was given depth all along the series to make it as hard-hitting as it is. That transformation was the living proof that what happens when you challenge someone’s hope. This is what made the transformation so emotionally heavy and needy by the audience. It was needed to destroy Frieza and to save the planet.

The Transformation Needed For The Second Time

Now coming to the second time when a transformation was needed and had depth. At the time of Cell games, Gohan reached a Super Saiyan level never seen before. A transformation ascending past the regular Super Saiyan. Or should we call it a Super Saiyan 2? It made sense when all the characters realized that only Gohan has the power to defeat the perfect android. And to defeat him he has to break through the limit of Super Saiyan. And he did when his rage broke out after seeing his friends, even his father killed mercilessly by the android. 

Super Saiyan 2 Dragon Ball

Again, that transformation was needed, the reason to achieve it made it so much accurate to have the transformation. It became one of the most memorable transformations in the entirety of Dragon Ball.

After that transformations became a trend in dragon ball. It made some sense to have the transformation till the Super Saiyan god. After that transformation was made regular just for the sake of having transformations. Suddenly transforming beyond your current state was made a joke. In Dragon Ball Super Saiyan 3, characters achieved Super Saiyan through as they say having a tingly feeling on the back.

Super Saiyans’ Transformation Is No Transformation

Super Saiyan 3 Dragon Ball

The transformations of the Saiyans sucks now because having a transformation without having depth and need is no transformation at all. They are transforming because people love it and just for the sake of transforming. Whether its mastering Super Saiyan 2 in a day or becoming a raged Super Saiyan without even knowing it and then controlling it without any problem. Universe 6 Saiyans had transformations because the writers wanted them to come up to speed like the former Saiyans in the series. And they let them Transform without any reason or depth.

The transformation made sense to me when they had a purpose and now the transformation just completely sucks for me. Now we don’t hate this franchise in any manner, hell we love it so much more than any other series. And we should not forget even if the transformations make no sense, they all give us a sense of excitement whenever they appear on the screen.