thor run comics

How Thor lost his Arm and Hammer?

Thor, the God of Thunders lost his arm which can lift hammer in Thor run.

Everyone knows and recognizes Thor’s enchanted hammer, Mjolnir very well. Only the one who is ‘worthy’ can lift his hammer. Thor, the God of Thunders has slowly and gradually lost his self-worth. Adding up to the loss of his self-worth, he even lost his arm in Thor run (2014).

The Thor (2014) by Jason Aaron opens up with a kind of prologue: “Thor, the God of Thunder, now finds himself no longer worthy of wielding Mjolnir…In a recent battle on the moon, Superspy Nick Fury— empowered with secrets he stole from The Watcher— whispered something that caused Thor to drop Mjolnir to the Moon’s surface, where it has remained ever since. No matter how hard he tries, Thor cannot lift it.”

Thor Arm and Hammer Comics
Thor Arm and Hammer

Thor’s relentless efforts to lift the hammer went in vain. His lost worthiness could be the reason for him being unable to lift his hammer, Mjolnir. He finally gave up and recovered a new weapon. This new weapon was an axe called Jarnbjorn.

Thor vs Dark elf Malekith

Thor using his new weapon Jarnbjorn fights the Dark elf Malekith. He was an opponent of Thor. He stopped him from destroying the Earth. Thor tries to outwit Malekith by using Jarnbjorn but was proved powerless. It seemed like he was nothing without his hammer, Mjolnir. He was easily defeated by Malekith, who sarcastically jokes on him saying, “without that big heavy Mjolnir to lug about all the time, you’ve no more need for so many cumbersome arms.” Right after saying this, Malekith cut off Thor’s left arm using Thor’s new weapon Jarnbjorn.

Thor was fortunate enough to get his arm replaced. His new arm was made up of black Uru metal and was almost indestructible. So, all in all, it was even good for Thor that he will never lose his same arm again.

Thor: Love and Thunder

The storyline was quite interesting and it’s uncertain whether the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder will take on something from the existing storyline. The female version of Thor to be played by Jane Foster is confirmed. If Hemsworth’s Thor loses his arm in this upcoming movie too then the bond between Buck Barnes and him will be very special to see.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.