Thanos Can Lift Mjolnir Entertainment

Thanos Can Lift Mjolnir

Yes, you read that right! Thanos is worthy. You ask how then that’s our job to prove that why we think Thanos can lift Mjolnir.

Now before we move ahead, a spoiler warning is now in effect as we will be diving into the MCEU. Now that you have been warned let’s get started.

We have to ask ourselves what worthy is. People falsely think that being a good guy is implicit in the definition. However, I do not see this as the case. We have to define worthy in the context of what Odin thinks “worthy” is. In the first Thor movie, Odin had intended to make Thor king and leader of Asgard. However, he stripped him of his powers when he deemed him unworthy.


Odin is a king and conqueror. He conquered and subjugated the 7 realms because he thought it was an act that served the greater good. How many deaths and suffering were caused by his wars? According to Hela, he slaughtered untold amounts of people to achieve this goal. When Odin finished his task he decided to be a peaceful King and rule over his dominion.

Even Thanos Regrets

Thanos is doing what he thinks is best for the entire universe. He saw his home planet and people perish due to overpopulation. Also, he regrets not being able to convince them to indiscriminately cull half the population in order to save them. He then vows that no matter the cost to himself, he will save the entire universe by making half the population of all living things vanish. Odin and other leaders have sacrificed the lives of the few to help the many flourishes. Furthermore, he wants to cull indiscriminately by ignoring wealth, age, or other subcategories. He is trying to be as fair and as unbiased as possible. After Thanos snapped his fingers he went off to live in solitude. He could have ruled the universe as an omnipotent god but he chose not to.

If we base Thanos on the traits that Odin sees as worthy then Thanos should be able to lift the hammer.

Long live Thanos, God of Thunder and Savior of the Universe.