Is Hulk-Madrox the best Madrox Comics

Is Hulk-Madrox the best Madrox?

Jamie Madrox despite the indisputably profuse nature of his powers has never formally taken a position within the X-Men. He has always been under-appreciated for his powers. Although he has worked with potential organizations like X-Factor, his true capabilities were not exposed until Multiple Man. His true power was exhibited during Multiple Man. This movie featured Jamie and his duplicates. In this movie, they moved through time and made some big changes that led to something which ultimately resulted in the birth of HULK.

Madrox and his duplicates

Jamie Madrox can produce as many duplicates of himself as he wants. These duplicates represent different emotional states of Jamie. However, when his duplicates are killed, he absorbs their memories. He, therefore, uploads all the experiences of these duplicates into his mind.

Jamie’s one duplicate who symbolized more wicked and repressive characteristics of Jamie’s personality tried to run away from his fate. He took shelter on Muir Island in an undisclosed bunker. And he stayed there for a while. Until the real Madrox got infected and murdered by the M-Pox. He tried all possible ways to avoid his death. Not only this but he also persuaded Beast to produce a serum that would save him. He wanted to become the new Madrox. Also, this would allow him to produce new duplicates of himself.

Later he stole a device called time machine from Bishop and messed up with it. Due to this, he produced many more duplicates of himself. This resulted in an empire controlled by the new darker Madrox.

Is Hulk-Madrox the best Madrox 1 Comics

Madrox’ Duplicates resembles Deadpool and Wolverine

The duplicates that the new darker Madrox created had added powers and features. One of them became a Deadpool with Wolverine claws and the other one became a techno infected soldier. Later, an old duplicate of Madrox landed in the Old Man Logan universe. In this universe, almost all the heroes of Marvel disappeared. Jamie then transformed into Hulk’s version. Fortunately, this turned out to be lucky for him. Because it enabled him to mix into the Hulk Gang.

Is Hulk-Madrox the best Madrox 2 Comics

Moreover, the resistance experienced by the darker Madrox had now the new Hulk-Madrox supporting them. He supported them physically and protected them from the duplicates. However, later a nuclear blast killed Hulk-Madrox.

Although, the Hulk-Madrox wasn’t the best Hulk but still was a remarkable one.


Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.