Christopher Nolan Tenet

Why Is Warner Bros. Delaying Christopher Nolan’s Tenet ?

For the second time, the release of Christopher Nolan‘s Tenet is delayed by Warner Bros. Tenet was seen as one of the most anticipated films of the year, at the beginning of the year. But the film was under inspection for the plot of the same. John David Washington and Robert Pattinson were excited as their fans. Earlier, the film was scheduled to release on July 17th. But Warner Bros. has finally decided to delay the film again, for a couple of weeks. The decision was made after the second trailer launch of Tenet. It is shifted two weeks ahead as the earlier date was finalized as 31st July. The change in date is caused due to the rising cases of coronavirus in America.

This is shared by THE, Warner Bros. has changed the date of release of Tenet for the second time. The new release date for the film is finalized to 12 August. Tenet has moved two weeks ahead. The studio has reasons and strategies behind the theatrical release of Tenet.

Warner Bros. is perpetrated to sending Tenet to audiences in theaters. At this juncture what we desire to be is creative. And we are not dealing with this as a conventional movie release. We are selecting to unlock the movie mid-week to enable audiences to find out the film in their own time. The crew plans to fiddle longer, over an extensive play interval far beyond the norm.

Theatres In New York Remain Close

The decision has been made because of the news from New York that announces that theaters will be closed. Tenet will be unable to play in New York thus shifting of dates was a good idea for the largest markets in the country. This would uphill the performance of the film. 

Tenet Delayed AGAIN

If things don’t work out, the date would be shifted again. Because two weeks may not cause more difference to the opening of the theaters. Warner Bros. is planning to give it a theatrical release. 

The mid-week blastoff will further loosen up the opening digits at the box office. It creaks like Tenet will be in cinemas halls well beyond the conventional three-month run.

Hey, My name is Lata Bhardwaj. I use Samsy as my pen name. I am a Research Scholar (English) from India, who loves interacting with people. My journey while pursuing a PhD is leading ways towards a beautiful life. I have been writing since long as I love writing. I hope my articles are making you talk for some time.