Dragon Con Leaves the Traditional Event And Is Hosting A Virtual Show Entertainment

Dragon Con Leaves the Traditional Event And Is Hosting A Virtual Show

Dragon Con was about to happen during the time going on. But, due to the coronavirus pandemic, Dragon Con has announced that it will be forgoing the very traditional physical event. And instead of the regular Comic-Con, it will be hosting a virtual show.

Dragon Con on its official Twitter handle has tweeted, “After an exhaustive attempt to consider and uncover every possible option to hosting a safe and much-needed [Dragon Con] this year, it has become apparent that we cannot, in good faith, move forward with our 2020 event.”

The tweet continued, “we are heartbroken to make this announcement, but do so with the support of you, our fans, our partners, the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau Main Office, and the City of Atlanta Government”. It further stated, “for that, we thank you. While we aren’t able to welcome you back in person this September, we will be taking our 2020 event virtual this Labor Day weekend with a free to the universe experience. Keep those calendars marked and stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.”

The Twitter handle also tweeted, “in the meantime, we just ask our fans to be like our favourite Mandalorian and never take off your mask in public. Stay safe and we will look forward to seeing you in person next year.

This is the (Dragon Con) way.”

Dragon Con Will Be Joined By The Atlanta Based Events

Dragon Con Leaves the Traditional Event And Is Hosting A Virtual Show 1 Entertainment

The Atlanta-based event enlists Comic-Con International: San Diego in putting up with its event virtual due to the coronavirus pandemic. It is joined along with Atlanta Comic-Con and Emerald City Comic-Con. 

The event will now take place on the Labour Day Weekend, i.e. 3rd to 7th September. It will be a complete online event. More details will be coming in the coming few weeks with the help of the official handles and website by Dragon Con.

It will still take place over Labor Day weekend, Sept. 3-7, as a fully online event, with more details coming in the next few weeks via its official website.

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