Hulk overthrew Juggernaut

What Happened When Hulk Overthrew Juggernaut?

There are many powerful beings in the MCU and Marvel Universe. But they’re a few who possess the individual strength as Hulk and Juggernaut possess. Though when the two had clashed after Hulk returned to Earth after being cast away by Avengers, Juggernaut got walloped by the Giant. 

Hulk is known as Bruce Banner as a non-green form. He is known for his incredible stamina, strength, and durability. The angrier he gets, the more powerful he becomes. 

Powerful Hulk

He’s taken on and overthrew about all of Marvel’s powerful villains by his genuine strength alone. Meanwhile, Juggernaut is a villain from X-Men, with his own super courage originating from a mysterious stone. This has made him immune. This includes giving him forcefield strengths that have halted Mjolnir in its tracks. While the two brutes are ready to go head-to-head in an impending series, they’ll have matched up before in a feud that Juggernaut was destroyed.

Hulk Leads To Xavier’s Institute

In World War Hulk: X-Men #2 by Andrea Divito, Laura Villari, Chris Gage, VC’s Joe Caramagna, and Rich Ginter, the Hulk had returned to Earth after being brought into space by the Avengers in the arc (Planet Hulk). Hulk discovers that Charles Xavier was presumed to elect alongside the Illuminati but didn’t. Then he leads the way to the Xavier Institute to find out if he would have taken him away.

World War Hulk-X Men #2

However, when Professor X was unable to give a direct answer, Hulk attempted to grab him before being stopped by the X-Men. Hulk verifies to be trouble for the superteam, rubbing them out in a gruesome battle. Using the Cyttorak crystal, Juggernaut (without his costume) arises and jumps at the Hulk, whacking him across the face. But, Hulk contradicts him with a knee, whacks him back to the ground. And then gives a punishing hit to the Juggernaut’s back.

Hulk & Juggernaut

It is interesting to see Juggernaut being overpowered. Hulk was of full strength. His Cyttorak crystal has made him weak. Though they fight us short and quick. Juggernaut is left shivering that “I’m the… the… j—” before Hulk provides a finishing blow.  

 The next time when Juggernaut would be facing Hulk, it would be fair and easy to assume that he will come along with his armor. Or else he would be crushed again.

Hey, My name is Lata Bhardwaj. I use Samsy as my pen name. I am a Research Scholar (English) from India, who loves interacting with people. My journey while pursuing a PhD is leading ways towards a beautiful life. I have been writing since long as I love writing. I hope my articles are making you talk for some time.