Alien and The Predator Have Arrived In The Marvel Universe Already Comics

Alien and The Predator Have Arrived In The Marvel Universe Already

Marvel Universe, Since the merging of Disney/Fox, the fate of Alien and Predator franchises have also been up in the air. They both, Alien: Covenant and The Predator have also failed to earn much on box office. Most of us assume that Disney will light them up in the coming few years, possibly like reboots. 

There are not many big-screen adventures these years, there are chances of life for the franchises. IGN broke the news this week that Marvel Comics is now owning the rights to Alien and The Predator. This has paved the way for a new comic line that would be set in the Marvel Universe. As of now, there are no details about the line of comics. A pair of images is being commissioned by BATMAN ARTIST David Finch that showcases the two creatures. 

The Xenomorph impression of the image is a relative standard that is extremely rendering the original monster from 1979’s Alien. It can be differentiated from the Aliens version by its soft head. The Predator one is a handful of a bigger tease. It shows the hunter standing on the head of Avengers’ Tower clenching Iron Man’s head.

Will They Turn Into Movies Or Follow Another Arc?

Alien and The Predator Have Arrived In The Marvel Already Comics

It could be a hint that the Alien and The Predator are set to enter the Marvel Universe. These are the promotional images and are not teasing any relatable future arc. This would not be the first time that they would tangle with the superheroes.

In the 1990s, Dark Horse and DC had partnered for a number of steady crossovers. These included three Batman Versus Predator, Superman vs. Predator, Superman/Aliens, Batman/Aliens stories. And also the inevitable Superman and Batman versus Aliens and Predator. 

The prospect of them in the Marvel Universe would be a neat one. There are hopes for more details to come soon.

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