Green Lantern killed Doomsday Comics

Doomsday killed Green Lantern and Green Lantern killed Doomsday

Green Lantern and Doomsday, DC Universe’s most powerful and devastating being’s power is still not known to many. Fans only know about the symbolic battle he fought and won. However, only a few know the power he has.

When Doomsday killed Superman

Doomsday killed Superman Comics

Doomsday gained popularity after he killed Superman. He is indestructible and exceptionally tough to beat and if not beat in the battle then kill. In the Year One: Doomsday, his real powers are showcased when he grabs the attention of Green Lantern Corps. For Doomsday to be defeated, Green Lantern Ring is a total waste.

Ages before Hal Jordan would hold and use a power ring, Doomsday was creating destruction on the planet. This planet and space on which Doomsday was creating havoc were then looked after by Green Lantern Zharan Pel. Doomsday shattered the shield when Pel tried to help the planet’s occupants. The Green Lantern tried to stop him which made the beast, Doomsday even angrier. Therefore, he finally ended the Green Lantern. Also, he didn’t even stop there and went on to destroy the headquarters of Green Lanterns, Oa.

A Green Lantern Guardian

Green Lantern killed Doomsday 1 Comics

A G.L Guardian, the Central Power Battery, viewed Doomsday as devastating. So, he decided to see him in the battleground. He realized the only way to defeat him in the battle is to drain the power of the stolen ring he had. The Green Lantern used the entire battery to drain down the power the stolen ring had. He was successful in defeating Doomsday who was still alive but defeated. However, the exploration caused by the power the Green Lantern generated took his own life. Moreover, Doomsday was still alive but he reached another side of the galaxy, not known to the remaining Lanterns where he was and if he was at all alive.

Doomsday used his ring to lessen the adverse effect that the most powerful ring, the Green Lantern ring. The Green Lantern is the most powerful and strongest ring in the entire DC Universe. It ultimately leads to the death of Doomsday in a way as he reached some other galaxy. This is some way is the end of his life on the planet where Green Lanterns and Guardians lived.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.