Thanos' love LOVES Spiderman Comics

Thanos’ love “LOVES” Spiderman

Spiderman and Thanos have fought a few battles in both Marvel comics and movies. However, they haven’t shared a lot of screen time. In Avengers: Infinity War, Spider helped Iron Man and kicked Thanos several times. Also, in Infinity Gauntlet comic saga, Spiderman kicked Thanos on the face using his web. Although later he was killed by Thanos’s so-called created girlfriend.

Thanos and Spiderman interacted much more in Spiderman #17. Here Peter was killed once again and then he met both Mistress Death and Thanos as he traveled into the afterlife. There came a twist where Peter was successful at convincing Mistress Death to allow him to live.

How did Spiderman die?

Peter Parker unexpectedly met them when he had gone to deliver some barbeque sauce to Aunt May. There he saw some window washers breaking through. He somehow managed to save these window washers. However, the platform fell on a cooling machine that had explosive freon gas. His attention caught a mother and her child in the way of the explosion. So, he threw himself on them and used his own body to cover them from the explosion. This led to his death.

Thanos' love LOVES Spiderman 1 Comics

Peter Parker met Thanos and Mistress Death

However, the joy of saving the lives of two kept him at peace and ease. He later found himself in beautiful white light. He followed the bright white light in a hope that he would get to meet his mother or Gwen Stacy. But he found himself in a strange Junkyard packed with spiritual and religious items. He then finds himself in the company of Thanos and Mistress Death.

Thanos taunted Spiderman about how waste he was a hero and for the last time showed him his body that he had left. Peter then realized how his last rescue attempt was not very successful. As he did manage to save the mother but her child was gone to death. The little girl was also on her way to come across the life after death. After seeing this Spiderman was hurt and asks Thanos and Death Mistress to let the girl live with her mother.

Spiderman pleaded in front of Thanos

Thanos refused to do so as according to him such a thing had never happened in the past. However, it didn’t stop Spiderman from repeating it again and again. Thanos then tries to demean Spiderman. He tells him he had done nothing much as a superhero and that he had rather spread inspired villains. Thanos increased his size to prove his point but was no use as Spiderman knew why he was doing what he was doing.

Thanos' love LOVES Spiderman 2 Comics

Death showed her LOVE for Spiderman

While all this was going on for a very long time. Death was observing all of it from a distance. She suddenly started staring at Thanos as if he had missed out on something. Thanos for the sake of confirmation asks Death if she wanted Spiderman to which she didn’t reply. Then Spiderman turned his voice and pleads to Death. She again did she say anything. However, a few moments later both the little girl and Spiderman returned to life. And the Spiderman had some vague memories of him in the afterlife.

This way Spiderman was successful at convincing Death to return him and the little girl back to life. Although he never really asked either Thanos or Death to give him his life back but the little girl’s. However, he was lucky enough to get his life back.

Hi, I am Chetna Bisht form India. Chabby Mohio is my pen name. I am a graduate from Commerce. I am a vivid learner and this makes me get into more philosophical theories. I love knowing people of different places which helps me more in knowing different cultures. I am a daydreamer and hope to achieve more by writing. I hope I am making my way to your hearts via my articles.