Netflix New Feature

Netflix Brings New Feature That Makes It Different From Amazon Prime

Netflix is the leader among other streaming platforms including Amazon Prime. This does not mean that Disney plus, Hulu, Amazon Prime, or others are lacking anywhere than Netflix. But they are present with their drawbacks. Netflix has more pros than cons, according to the viewers. Though, there is a feature that is useful but was absent for long. It has now made its way to the platform. It allows the user to watch slowly or faster than the standard speed. 

Credit: LaterClips

Yes, this is true but a rumor itself. The company will be allowing its users to stream movies and series at the users’ demand. The feature includes “either 0.5x or 0.75x speeds for slowed-down viewing or 1.25x or 1.5x speeds for faster watching.” 

However, the feature is only available on Android devices. One needs yo use the playback speed with every content that is being streamed. This is good as this will help by preventing someone from watching something at forced speed.

Netflix Provides Flexibility To Its Viewers

A spokesperson from the company, while speaking about the new feature said, “We’ve been mindful of the concerns of some creators. It’s why we have capped the range of playback speeds and require members to vary the speed each time they watch something new — versus fixing their settings based on the last speed they used.”

Netflix With Remote

Netflix believes that the users of the platform value the flexibility that will be offered by this. “The feature has been much requested by members for years. Most important of all, our tests show that consumers value the flexibility it provides whether it’s rewatching their favorite scene or slowing things down because they’re watching with subtitles or have hearing difficulties.”

And because it is available only on Android mobile devices, Netflix plans further to test it on iOS and other web versions. As of now, there are no plans to roll it on TV. But definitely, the giant will be planning to make it available there too. 

Hey, My name is Lata Bhardwaj. I use Samsy as my pen name. I am a Research Scholar (English) from India, who loves interacting with people. My journey while pursuing a PhD is leading ways towards a beautiful life. I have been writing since long as I love writing. I hope my articles are making you talk for some time.